Phase 2 (Part 1)

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   I wake up on the table in that strange room with my arms, legs, waist and now my head strapped to the table.

'Great,' I think, 'just what I need, an early start to this.'

   I look around the room and see a woman, in a lab coat, with navy blue colored skin. I've never seen her before, she is very beautiful.

'Is she that the other guys daughter?'

   I continue to watch her as she scribbles something down on a clipboard. She doesn't look up at me when she speaks.

"Name?" she says.

My name is only A1, how complicated is that?

"A1," I say, I don't want to be forced to spit it out like I did yesterday. I continue to stare at her, wondering where the man is.

She looks over at me and smiles. Not the kind that scares you smile, but the one that gives you comfort. I try not to show that I'm scared; wait, no, petrified at the fact that I have no idea what they are going to do to me and my sister.

"Today's test is slightly easier than yesterday's test." She says, "there is no reason to be afraid."

'Apparently she has no idea what they do to me here, because nothing is easier than the day before.'

Even though I don't agree, I nod, or at least I try to with the restraints. I just want to get this over with. She walks up to becoming more gentle in her appearance.

"This next phase is going to be painful, it not only plays with you physically but also mentally. Make the right choice, and try to get out of it." She says thoroughly.

   I look up at her and nod showing my thanks to her. This was the first time anyone has given me a warning or has been gentle to me. It felt weird to have another creature, besides my sister, do something nice for me.

She nods and puts a crown of wires onto my head, connecting some of them around my face. She then walks out of the room leaving me alone. I don't know why but I begin to shake out of fear again. I hope I don't go crazy or insane. The machines over my head begin to move again.

"No no no no," I begin to scream. "Please, don't do this to me again, please!"

   I twist and try to flail my arms out of the wires grasp but it doesn't word. The wires tighten their grip on me.

   A searing pain begins to spread throughout my body and I begin to scream. Everything goes black.


   I wake up in another room. This ones strange though, it's an armory, with weapons from floor to ceiling. Some I can't even begin to name. I walk around the room feeling the handles of the swords, the butts of the guns, the feathers of the arrows and the points of the scepters.

"Choose," says a voice.

   I look around but there is no body from which the voice could've come from. I look back at the weapons.

"Choose," the voice said louder.

"Why," I say out loud.

   No response came. The room began to disappear. First it became transparent and I can see a green field, similar to the ones I've seen in the books the teachers used to teach me with. A large monster stands outside of it, waiting. The field is fully visible now, the monster is faced away from me.

   I know now what those weapons were for. The monster turns and stares at me. The red eyes look at me with anger and hatred. 'Frost Giant,' echos through my mind.

   It charges toward me, my body begins to shake, not in fear, no, I'm energy. I feel my body become absorbed in it, as if it was preparing itself to fight.

I look down at my hands and clench them into fists. The new power gives me energy I have never felt in all my life. I look back up at the giant, and run at it. I jump higher than it's height.

'Oh my gosh,' I begin to scream mentally, 'where did this come from.'

The giants saw my surprised face, and swings his hand. His knuckle connects with my rib causing me to fly through the air and land hard on the ground.

"Oof," I hear come out of my mouth.

The giant hurdles toward me, I roll out of the way just in time as his fist pounds the ground where I just was. I quickly stand up and get myself into a fighting stance.

It looks at me, a flash of confusion crosses it's eyes.

"You're different," He says.

"I'm what?" I reply, "the planet Atolia was destroyed years ago along with its population." 

   He smiles, "You are strong but you are also unwise."

    He charges towards me and I to him. I'm not going down without a fight. I jump again, but it was only a hop compared to my other one. The giant cackles as I throw a punch at his face.

   My head begins to buzz again and spreads to the rest of my body. I look up at him, and see him dangling in the air. Wait no, not dangling, falling, slowly. As if time slo...

    Wait a minute, why am I moving at a normal speed when time slowed. I slap myself in the face. The contact stings my face as I stand there watching the giant float slowly to the ground.

'Ok, so I'm not asleep.' I think, 'good to know.... this is the coolest thing that has ever happened to me.'

   I walk up to the hideous giant and look at him, he looks peaceful... when he's not trying to kill me.

   I punch him in the face and see him float away from me, his expression slowly changes from peaceful, to pain, to pissed. Great.

   The giant flew through the air and hits the ground with a shake.

'Oh no,' I think, 'Times back. And he looks like he wants to rip my throat out.'

"I do," He says too calmly.

"Wait, you can read my mind?!?"

"Possibly," He says smirking.


"It's part of your past," his smirk spreads across his face. "Your heritage."


"Get her out." He screams.

I look up from my clipboard and watch him run to one of the masked men by the computers.

"Get her out!" He screams more loudly. "Call it off."

"Dad, you know that's a huge risk," I say trying to calm him. "That kind of stress on her brain could kill her. She's on the other side of the universe right now. That travel itself almost killed her, she can only take so much."

"She's found out too much from that Frost Giant. If she finds out her true power, it could lead...."

"I know what it could lead to," I sigh, trying to figure out the right words to say, "we also don't know what we're up against with these kids."

"Yes, yes we do," He says, "we have studied this species for centuries. We have loads of data, more than we could have ever wished for, and ever since we've got that pregnant woman, and she had these kids, we have all we need to complete our plan."

I look up at the screen and see A1 get slammed to the ground.

"She doesn't even know what she possesses." I look over at him, "we don't even know what she possesses. She is different from her kind, she holds more power than we could ever imagine. The other subjects are also similar to her, but not the same. She has more than we could have ever bargained for. A1 could be the destruction or salvation of Haroly. We don't know what we're messing with."

He smiles and looks down at me, "but we will."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now