Loki: the Drama Queen

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    The woman lead me down an unfamiliar corridor. They seem anxious or afraid of this hallway. I wonder why.

"Hello." Says a cool voice.

    The two woman jump as Loki walks out from behind a column. He smiles that wicked grin at the woman. He loses it when he looks at me.

'Father forced me to do this.' His voice echos in my mind.

"I am well aware of that." I say out loud.

The two women look at us like we are crazy. Loki looks at them and they run off.
He looks down at me with those green eyes.

"I do not want to do this." He says.

"Again I am well aware of that." I say.

"Shall we get this over with?" He asks.

"Sure." I respond and follow him down the hallway. I knew that this is going to be the worst thing today.

   Loki stops and turns around. He smirks at me and then disappears. I look around not seeing any sign of him, I begin to walk to search behind the pillars, no sign of him.

    I continue to walk down the hallway. A cold, familiar presence comes into my head.

'You passed me.' He echoes in my head.

'I don't care.' I respond and turn around.

'Your eyes are glowing yellow,' He says, 'I believe that means that you posses the power of the mind stone.'

'Mind stone?' I ask.

'One of the infinity stones.' He says. 'I wonder which of the other stones you posses. Think of the second time you escaped from the Harolese, when you were running fast, how were you able to do that?'

'I'm not sure.' I say. 'I'll try to do it again.'

I try to focus and make everything slow down. I close my eyes and imagine everything slow down, from the birds' wings to the people training outside. I open my eyes and look around. I can't tell wether or not everything has slowed, I walk around to look for Loki. I find him behind a column. I watch as his eyes slowly move to focus onto me.

I imagine him going at regular speed and he slowly begins to speed up until he's at normal speed. He slightly jumps and tries to hide it. He then looks at my eyes.

"Your eyes are glowing green, as I expected, you have the power of time." He sneers.

    I look down at my arms. Green flames loop around them. I notice Loki look down at my arms from the corner of my eye.

"That may help you effect time for other objects and beings." He says. "Reach your hand out to an object that you wish to effect its time and turn your hand."

I reach out to one of the pillars and turn my hand clockwise. Loki and I watch as the pillar cracks and crashes to the floor. I put my hand down and look at Loki, he looks down at me.

"Undo that." He says.

"How?" I ask.

"Are you truly that naive?" He says sassily. "Turn your hand the other way."

I respond with an 'Oh'  and lift my hand up again, I turn my hand counterclockwise. Loki and I watch as the pillar pieces lift up from the floor and stand back in the place it was. The crack mends itself and soon it looks as it was five minutes ago.

I, once again, put my hands down and look at Loki. He doesn't look at me though he continues to look at the pillar. He begins to walk away.

"I'll be back tomorrow." I say as I watch him walk away.


"My daughter is not going to be too happy about this." I mumble. I look up at A2 and grin.

"Sir, she's ready." Says one of the Harolics. Man those masks creep me out.

I nod and look up at the screen to check her vitals. She's never traveled this far in one jump. This better work. Especially since we're risking everything for this one child. But she's not just a child she possesses abilities that we've never dreamt of. Together they will be the strongest creatures in this whole universe.

A2 steps up onto the pedestal. She looks slightly terrified, and yet she still complies. I never really understood why, not that I am complaining or anything. It must be a component of the brain that makes creatures fear being in pain over the fear of hurting a loved one. Fascinating isn't it? How fear could cause so much.

She stares at me. I see determination in her eyes, of what I am not aware of. Behind her a portal opens, black in the center with blue rimming it. The door opens behind me, I turn around and find my daughter standing there. She has a look of utter disbelief plastered on her face. I turn back to the girl.

"What are you doing?" She screams.

"Providing the push." I simply say.

A2 gets sucked into the vortex she just created and disappears.

"You're mad." She says. "Mother was right. You want power. You want to control the whole universe."

A wave of anger suddenly comes crashing into me. I find myself walking quickly toward my daughter and slam her against the wall.

"Don't you dare call me mad." I say. "I'm doing this all for you and your mother."

"Mother is dead father." She says. "When are you going to let her go?"

"She is not dead, she is still out there." I say still holding her against the wall. "She could be still out there."

"Father please you need to let her go." She says.

    Another wave of anger course through me. "Get her out of my sight." I say and let her go.

    Two Harolics step up and grab Cordin. She looks up at me as they drag her out of the room.

"We'll get A1 back." One of the Harolic captains say.

   I nod and wave him off. "Let's get back to work." I say.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now