A Rough Night

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"How long do you believe it will take for her to wake up?" Says a familiar voice.

"Maybe a few days or hours." someone else says. "The only problem is we are not aware what had caused this issue." 

"It is necessary that she continues with her training. She must know how to control her powers."

"She does not posses powers, she possesses abilities." 

"Father, powers and abilities are defined the same."

"Loki," I knew I knew these voices, "that is where you are wrong, power is defined as having control over a society while abilities are defined as having a gift. Power has the ability to trick those who are not aware of the definition that belongs to it." 

I don't move, wait no that isn't right I can't. I try to move my arm but I am unable to, it is as if it is stuck to the bed. I lay there as someone explains my condition to the others. I apparently collapsed due to stress and being overworked. I feel something brush my arm, a sudden surge of energy bursts through my body and I bolt upright. I look wide eyed at Loki, Thor and Odin as they looked bewildered at me. Loki stands closest to me wide eyed, looking down at his arm and then back up at me. 

'You felt it too?' I ask as it echoes through my head, I feel his presence seep slowly into my head. He responds with just one word. 'Yes' then he was gone, both in my head and out of the room. I look over at Thor and Odin, they no longer look perplexed. I continue to look at them.

"Did you find the person that started the fire?" I ask even though I already knew the answer.

"Unfortunately we were unable to find the perpetrator." Odin says. 

They don't know about my sister, good. I look down at my hands, trying to not think about my sister, but it doesn't work. I look back at Thor and Odin.

"Do know anyone who might have a motive?" I ask.

"I know many creatures that may have motives, lady Agerathea, but we are not aware of an Asgardian outside of the prison to have a motive."

I know someone with a motive. I lay there waiting for one of them to say or do something. We look at each other for a few awkward moments. 

"Agerathea should get her rest." Odin says as he guides Thor out of the room. I watch as they go and a nurse comes back in. 

"Alright dear, I am going to shut the lights off and leave the room." She says. "If by any chance you need me, press this." She holds up a button from the side table in my room. She sets it back down and walks out of the room. Two seconds later the lights flick off.

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