Ceremonial Party Crashers

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   Zaydon leads me down the unfamiliar halls. It's weird walking in shoes, I can't feel my feet hit the floor when I step and they produce weird sounds whenever they hit the floor. I also noticed that I was walking strangely. I would lift my feet up higher than usual and then throw them to the ground.

   Zaydon began to notice my behavior a while back but he hasn't said anything. We eventually reach a pair of doors.

"Before we go in, may I ask a couple of questions?" I ask. "And will you give me an actual answer?"

"Depends on the question." He says.

"Where are we?" I ask. "And what is behind that door?"

"Just another part of the facility," He says, "and you will find out... now."

   The doors open and Zaydon leads me out to a balcony. I look down and taken back. In the large room is creatures of every kind. There are creatures with two heads, four tentacles, even ones with hundreds of eyes.

"Good evening everyone." Zaydon says. "Welcome to the Ceremonial Banquet and the final phase."

   I look over at him. The final phase? Already? I'm not complaining or anything but it just wasn't a long time.

Zaydon places his hand on the small of my back and leads me down the stair case and to the front of the room. A line forms in front of us and the introductions begin.

I had to shake every creatures' hand, tentacle, antenna, etc.. Each creature becoming more strange than the last. Only one stood out to me though. He looked similar to Asgardians, but he wasn't. He had a blue stripe on his mouth, white hair sticking up out of his head, he wore a red vest with a fur cloak draped over his shoulders.

"Guest number 72, Benicio del Toro, the Collector." Announces the speaker.

The man known as the collector walks up to us and bows in front of the two of us.

"A1, it is an honor." He says as he grasps my hand. I try to pull out of his grasp, but he has my hand tightly in his grip. He then brings my hand up to his lips and kisses my knuckle. He releases my hand and looks up at me with tired eyes.

"Ah, Benicio, welcome back my good friend." Zaydon says and claps him on the shoulder.

"I see you have one of the last Atolians." Benicio says with his creepy voice.

'What did he just call me.' I think.

"Yes, yes I do." Zaydon says and looks at me proudly, as if I was just an artifact. He then drops his voice to a whisper and talks in the Collector's ear.

I see Benicio's eyes flicker over to me as he listens to Zaydon. Benicio backs away, bows and walks to the corner of the room. I had to shake at least forty other creatures hands/tentacles and that was pretty gross.

After that whole weirdness, Zaydon leads me back up the balcony. He gestures for me to stand back where no one could see me. He walks up to the edge of the balcony and begins to speak.

"Today is an extraordinary day for us Harolese here. We have come a long way in our journey..."

'Wait. What is an Atolian? The weird collector guy had called me that and I have no idea why he would call me that, all I know about Atolia is that it was the birth place of the Infinty Stones billions of years ago. Wait am I Atolian?!?' I think as I stand there.

"This evening, we have a special treat. Agerathea Almoradia, our second Atolian, will be completing her third phase."

'So it is true, I am Atolian.'

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