New Lessons

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My sister and I follow this woman down the halls. I just realized I never go her name. Oops. I look over at my sister and I just realized that I didn't know what her powers were. They could be anything.

"What kind of powers do you have." I blurt out.

"Well, I don't exactly know." She says simply.

"Wait, what?" I ask wide eyed.

"Well, I can teleport a distance, and do weird things, but that's about it." She say. "I can't do it now though, I've already tried."

"What do you mean?"

"For my abilities, I need my actual body in order to use them. My powers are spread throughout my body and not just in my mind." She says.

"Wait, I have one question. How was I able to run as fast as I did during 'Phase 2'?" I ask. "Isn't that physically and not mentally?"

"Try and run now." She says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Just do it." The woman stops and I look over at her. She nods, giving me her permission to run in the halls.

I shrug and run down the hall. I'm not running as fast as I was on the hills in that 'Phase 2' place. I turn around and run back.

"How?" I ask. "I was able to run really fast in that test thing."

"They had both your body and this body connected somehow. When Thor, Loki, and Lady Sif brought you here, the connection was lost."

"Doesn't make sense, but ok." I say putting my thumbs up.

She nods. I look over at the woman and she's smiling, not the creepy kind, the nice gentle kind.

"I'm sorry ma'am," I say shakily, "but what is your name?"

"Frigga." She says gently, her smile never faltered on her face. "And there is no need to be nervous around me."

   We continue walking and come up to a door. Frigga pushes it open and inside standing at least twenty feet in the air are bookshelves. Books of every color, language and genre line the shelves.

"Loki, could you please leave us and go to your bedroom." Frigga says.

I look over and see Loki sitting in a chair with a book in his hands. He looks up at his mother and nods. I feel the coldness in my brain return.

'Don't believe that my doing this for you.' His voice says.

'Oh, so you're a mama's boy.' I mock at him.

'Don't ever say that again.' He says.

'Maybe, if you stop being mean to me.'

'That would be impossible.' He says.

'Wow, not a flatterer are you.' I say.

"Loki, please." Says Frigga, breaking us from our little conversation in our minds.

He walks out without another word. I look over at Frigga, she looks deep in thought as she walks around the room and sits down in a chair.

"Loki is a troublemaker." She says and then chuckles. "He doesn't get along with many people."

"He seems to be close with you." I say.

"Yes, I give him lessons, too." She says.

"Oh, I've heard of that. He can change forms, right?" Margerathea says.

"Yes, and he can create fake forms of himself." Frigga says. "Why don't we begin with you trying to shut me out from your thoughts Agerathea?"

"Ok," I respond, "how do I do that?"

"Close your eyes and imagine something to shut me out with, for example a closed curtain or a wall."

   I close my eyes and try imagining a closed curtain. I feel her warm presence enter into my mind.

"Now think of something inside of your head."

'I hope this works.' I think.

'It is working,' says her voice in my brain, 'it's not to its full potential yet, but it's working. It is a whisper compared to the way it used to be.'

   I stop imagining a curtain and try a wall around me. Dizziness causes me to loose concentration and I open my eyes. I see her jump back from the couch across from me.

'Is this better?' I think.

"What did you imagine?" She asks. "It worked, you pushed me out of your head. You got rid of me."

"By picturing a wall, I pushed you out?" I ask.

"I was drawn out, and not allowed to come back in." She says.

"Well, we are off to a great start with these lessons." Margeratha says.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now