Here... but Not

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The navy man and his daughter sat down in front of me. Half of the escorts walk over and stand behind the two of them.

"First," I say before anyone can speak. "Can I have a name so I don't have to keep calling the two of you navy-people? I'm getting really sick and tired of calling the two of you that in my brain."

They look at each other, confused on why I would want their names. I shrug at the two of them. I hope they at least give me something.

"My name is Cordin and his is Zaydon." She says.

"Do you really think it's a good idea to tell her this information?" He asks.

She nods and looks over at me and pauses. She takes in a deep breath and starts.

"A2 was sent to Sector 319, similar to the way you were sent to Sector 471....."

"Where is Sector 319 and 471?"

Cordin begins to say something but Zaydon interrupts her and says, "Classified."

"Where you sent us is classified?!?"

"Yes." He says matter of factly.

   I was about to say something but then I notice one of the escorts step up so I close my mouth. They wait a few moments before continuing.

"She was unable to come back," I jump up in my chair and before I could attack she quickly says, "but she's still alive."

   I get pushed down from one of the escorts. I settle and I cross my legs.

"How is she still alive if she was unable to come back?" I ask.

"The Sectors are certain areas in the universe. For example one to two-hundred is Earth." She says.

'Earth, where is earth?'

"That is enough," Cordin says, "let's show her her sister, and then we will give Phase 2 another go."

'Wait they want me to do the phase that just got my sister possibly dead!?!'


They lead me to another room, a waiting room I think. A door opens that leads me to a hallway and I follow them through that too. We come up to a mirror.

I stare back at my matted hair, bags under my eyes, and sunken cheeks. I try to pat my hair down but it has no effect. The mirror begins to falter and become transparent, I see my sister laying on the bed. Her skin is as white as the walls, I see her chest rise and fall, still alive and there's still a chance.

I feel tears burn my eyes. I turn around, I can't look at her when she's like that anymore. Both of them are staring at me. I look up refusing to look them in the eyes. I see a screen up on the wall.

"Were you monitoring where she was?" I ask.

"Yes, but we lost connection." She says.

"How?" I say.

"She was.... knocked out." He says.

"Well what about when she wakes up?"

"Her transmitter is damaged. We don't know whether or not she completed the phase." He says. "She could be dead for all we know."

"Look at her chest," I say pointing at her. "There is still a beat in her chest. She is still alive."

"When the soul of your species travels throughout the universe, it can take over another host," she says, "which means that this body still alive, even though her soul is gone. The host's body on the other hand can die and this body right here may be still alive."

"So you're saying our souls can take over other creatures' bodies!?!"

"Not creatures, humans, they are weaklings so they are easy to take control of."

"Wait, how did you disconnect our souls from our bodies?" I ask.

"With the correct technology, anything could happen." He says with a smirk on his face.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now