New Identity

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"So you are saying that my real name is Agerathea and yours is Margeratha?" I say for the thousandth time in the past hour.

   My sister, but not really sister, nods and looks up at me. She smiles. It is pretty weird how this is my sister but just in a different body.

"Is it just me or is it creepy how they have our real bodies on the other side of the universe?" I ask.

"Eh." she responds.

"What are we going to do?" I ask as I plop down on the bed next to my sister.

I look around the room that Odin provided for us. It is quite large, larger than the room that was provided for us back in that hell.

"Well, I don't know, it doesn't seem like we are on Odin's good side at the moment." She says.

"Yep," I look back at her, "and it doesn't seem like Loki is too fond of us."

She chuckles. At least she still has the same laugh. I smirk.

'This is the life.' I think.

Something strange comes into my head. It feels as if a new presence was there.

'Let's just hope that you don't become too fond of it.' Says a smooth, cold voice.


'Me?' Loki says.

'Get out of my head.' I command.

'I don't know, it's grown on me.'

'Really how?' I ask. 'Is it the suffering? Or the pain they put me through? Which is it douchebag?'

"Hey, are you okay?" My sister pulls me out of the stupid conversation with Loki.

"Yeah." I respond quickly and then focus back on the conversation in my brain.

'Which is it?' I say.

'The darkness.' He says. 'The loneliness. The curiosity. The way you wish you knew how to control your powers. How desperate are you? You are a lost creature in this universe, searching and scanning for a place to belong to.
   'But you fail to find that one special place. The type of place where you won't be judged not on your powers, but who you are as a person.'

'Oh really? What type of place possesses those characteristics?' 

'Nowhere.' He says. 'It seems as if you belong nowhere. Not here, not Haroly, not Midgard, nowhere.'


'What's interesting?' He asks, I can hear the curiosity in his voice.

'I guess you'll have to find out.' I think.

I focus back on my sister. She's still looking around the place.

"How did these people know our real names?" I ask her.

"Heimdall." she responds.


"Heimdall," She says, "the gatekeeper between realms."

"Oh, but how did he know?" I ask.

"Did you learn nothing from Norse Mythology?"

"It is not Mythology if it is real." Thor shouts outside the door.

"It was a lesson." I shout back. I hear footsteps walk away.

"Heimdall can see everything. His eyes, or something like that, give him the ability to look at other worlds. It is quite interesting actually." She says.

"Heimdall was going to be the next lesson." I say.

A knock on the door causes us to stop our conversation.

"Come in." My sister shouts.

The door opens and standing there is that woman that was standing next to Margeratha when I first came her. She's wearing a gold dress now with her hair fully down.

"Agerathea, I heard that you were having difficulty with your new found power, I was wondering if I could give some assistance." She says. Her voice was smooth and sweet, it calmed me to know that not everyone hates me.

"Sorry if I sound rude," I stagger with my words as I try to word this right, "how did you know about my powers and that I'm having difficulties with them?"

"Loki told me." She says.

'Of course he did.' I think as I mentally face palm myself. I feel a nice worm presence fill my mind and I tense because I don't know who it is.

'Yes he did.' Says the woman in front of me. 'He explained to me how you can't keep your thoughts to yourself.'

"That is correct," I say and I feel the woman's presence leave my mind.

"Would you care for some assistance with this issue?" She asks.

"I would love some." I say.

"Follow me." She says.


"Prepare the troops, we are leaving in two hours." Zaydon says, he turns to me. "Cordin, I need you to go down to the landing deck and prepare the ships. We got the go."

I nod and go down the staircase as quickly as I can.

'This is not a test, code 152 is in affect, I repeat code 152 is in affect.' Echoes in my head as I jump down five steps at a time.

I never thought that we would have a code over one hundred, let alone have a subject be successful.

"Code 152." I shout at the pilots and watch as they run off.

'This is going to end swell.' I think as I run to the other hanger.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now