A Uniform

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    I wake up to loud knocking on my door.

"Yes?" I say.

"Madam, we must take your measurements, Frigga sent us to wake you." Some woman's voice says outside the door.

"Come in." I call out.

   Three woman come in with measures, fabrics and pieces of metal. Two of them have brown hair and the other has blonde.

"What is all this for?" I ask.

"Your training attire madam." The woman with the blond hair says.

"I get attire?" I say. I've never really gotten clothing. Only three times in my life, I believe the reasons were because I was growing. I look down at my stretched out grey shirt and grey shorts suddenly feeling underdressed compared to the three woman in front of me.

"Yes madam." Says one of the brunettes. "Now, if you don't mind, may we take your measurements?"

I nod and get out of the most comfortable thing in my life. The blonde directs me to stand in front of a mirror that stands in the corner of the room. I've never seen myself, I never got the chance to.

I look up at myself and I'm shocked at what I see. I see a young girl with dirty, ragged blonde hair, green eyes, and filthy, scratched skin stares back at me. That's only the face though. I look down to my stomach, but the large shirt doesn't allow me to get a full viewing of it. Something I could see is my arms. They are thin, but close to healthy, I hope. I just hope that the rest of me is. I look behind me in the mirror and see all three woman looking at me.

"Oh, dear." One of them whispers.

I look down at my dirty feet out of embarrassment. The woman don't say anything and begin to get to work. I refuse to look at myself again as they work. I close my eyes as they take my measurements.

"Ok, honey we're finished." The brunette says. "Let's run you a bath and your attire should be complete by the time you finish."

"I've never had a bath." I say flatly. I mean I've showered, but I would have the privilege of it once a month.

"Ok." Says the oldest looking one. "I will help you."

She walks to a door and goes in. I hear water begin to run within it. I look at the other two woman and see them begin to create the clothes. I go into the bathroom and see the woman put a creamy substance into the water.

"What is that?" I ask.

"Just soap to help make the bath more pleasant for you dear." She says.

I nod and sit down on the bench next to the tub. The bathroom is quite beautiful. It has a royal blue tile that creates a design on the floor, the cracks are filled with a gold coloring that enhances the configuration of tiles. The tile continues onto the wall, the tub sits within a raise that the tile creates.

The woman feels the water and then says, "Your bath is ready, dear."

I nod and walk over to the step, getting ready to experience my first bath. I'm about to go in but then she stops me.

"You must undress first." She says.

"Oh, um, can you please turn around." I say. I've never undressed in front of anyone and I'm definitely not going to do it in front of this lady.

She complies and turns around. I quickly get my clothes off and step into the tub. She turns around and comes toward me.

"Woah, what are you doing?" I say.

"I have to wash you, dear." She says.

This is going to be awkward. If only my sister were here she would make fun of me. A lump forms in my throat as I think of her, I should be the one there and she should be here. Why do I have to live with this?

The woman begins to wash me with a soft cloth. The soap she uses smells sweet and makes me feel refreshed. I hope this will help me get my sister back.

——————-2 hours later-———————

I have been sitting in this water for almost a lifetime. At least thirty dirty wash cloths sit in that bin and the woman keeps on scraping at my skin. She seems to have an endless supply of them.

"Alright, I believe that we are done, dear." She sounds out of breath and I almost laugh at that.

She reaches down and pulls something out of the tub, the water begins to go down immediately.

"May I please have a towel." I ask because it would be awkward if I didn't have one.

She hands me a towel from a rack and I quickly cover myself as I get out of the tub. I feel myself slip on the tile but the woman catches me before I fall to the floor.

"Be careful dear." She says. "Now wait here. I'm going to go see if your training attire is complete."

She runs out of the room and begins to talk to the other woman. She comes back in and says. "Your attire is ready."

I follow her out of the room, with the towel wrapped tightly around me. The two woman stand next to a cloth like object that I believe is supposed to represent a humans stomach and chest. It is covered in a silver chest plate, silver shoulder blades. At the bottom of it a blue skirt finished it off. It's a small skirt. I look at the woman and shake my head.

"Oh, dear, you are going to be wearing pants of coarse." Says the blonde one.

"Oh, thank goodness." I say.

   They begin to fit me into this clothing. It fit almost perfectly. It was loose enough to be comfortable and to be able to move and tight enough to stay on. I don't know why but I feel tears begin to well in my eyes. All three of the woman step up and hug me.

"You look beautiful in it, dear." Says the brunette that helped me in the bath. "Now let us finish your outfit."

    One of them began to wrap some sort of long cuff around my forearm, while another began to place knife holders around my body. The final one began to brush through my hair, grumbling as she does so.

"I believe we are going to have to cut your hair, dear." She says.

   I shrug. I don't really care what they do to my hair, it will grow back eventually. The woman nods and walks over to the vanity in the corner of the room. She takes a pair of scissors out of a drawer and comes back behind me. I feel her tug at my hair and the snippets begin to fill the air.


By the time they were done, I had knife holders all over my body, I had two long cuffs on my forearms, boots on and my hair was short. The woman guided me to the floor mirror which showed my body. More colors were on my body than I have ever seen before on myself. My blonde hair is at boy's length, the breast plate covers my entire upper body, the skirt stops just at my thighs and the pants go down to the edge of my boots which go up to my ankle.

"Alright dear, lets bring you to your first lesson with Fandral."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now