Preparation for the Ceremony

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   I must have fallen asleep last night because the next thing I remember is knocking on the door.

'That's new.' I think as I get up.

   I walk up to the door and open it. Standing there is Cordin and Zaydon dressed in elegant clothing. Cordin is wearing a green dress with gold lining creating a design on it. I was immediately reminded of Loki and sadness erupts in me. I mean yeah we bicker to each other a lot, he called me a whining body part and we didn't have a good start but it was nice to find someone similar to me. Zaydon is wearing a green jacket with a white button up shirt.

"Cordin, would you please help A1 prepare for the ceremony tonight." He says.

   She nods and walks in as the door closes behind her. She looks at me up and down. I can see the gears turning behind her eyes as I stand there awkwardly trying to not make eye contact with her.

   She walks over to the closet and opens it. Elegant dresses of all colors hang within it, royal blue, ruby red, gold, emerald green and silver colors stripe each other as they hang in the closet. Cordin looks back at me and then returns her gaze to the closet.

She reaches in and takes out the royal blue dress and hangs it in front of me. She shakes her head and walks back to the closet. Pulling out another dress, and puts it against me again.

"How will these fit me?" I ask.

"We took the measurements while you were unconscious." She says as she walks back to the closet.

'Weird.' I think. 'Why would anyone take measurements of a sleeping creature?'

She takes out the emerald dress and hangs it in front of me.

"Ah ha!" She says smiling. "This one goes perfectly with your eyes. Alright let's get this on you."

"What is this for?" I ask.

"The ceremony?" I nod. "Oh it's for the third and, hopefully, the final phase." She says.

"Oh, why do I have to dress like this for it?"

"I cannot answer that question." She says.

"And why not."

"Classified." She says simply.

"Why is it classified."

She doesn't respond instead she tried to force me to change into the dress but I refuse and keep pushing with my question.

"A, please don't make me get one of the masked creatures in here." She says firmly and clearly frustrated.

I stop and look her in the eyes. Trying hard to not back down. She shoots me another look as a second warning. I back down and quietly change into the dress.

Once I'm fully in the dress, Cordin leads me to the chair and gestures for me to sit down. I comply and stare at the blank wall. She begins to play around with my hair, pulling a few strands while she does it, I try not to flinch as she I pries strands of hair out of my scalp.

    I feel her stop and I put my hand behind my head. My hair is intwined together, I pull my hair over my shoulder and I look at it. Mesmerized by the design she created with my hair.

"It's called a French braid on Midgard. They are used quite often there." She says as she watches me.

"Midgard is one of the nine realms that is ruled by Odin?" I ask.


   I nod and look back at the design for a few moments.

"I'm going to be doing your makeup, so please make this easy for the two of us." She says. "Or I'll have to call in one of the creatures to hold you down."

   I don't respond and she takes that as an ok. She walks over the vanity and picks up a brush and pallet. She puts the brush into the liquid like texture on the pallet and rubs it across my face. I follow her commands when she tells me to open my eyes and lips. Little did I know that that was the easiest part of this procedure.

   The next thing I knew she was rubbing powder on my eyelid, almost poked my eye out with a black pencil, and almost blinds me with this stick thing with hairs at the end. She then rubs pink powder on my cheeks and uses one of the tubes to put color onto my lips.

   She makes me stand up and looks at me up and down. She then nods, runs to the closet and comes back with shoes that have a high heel in the back.

"What are those?" I ask.

"Shoes... or heels to be more specific." She says.

"I've never worn shoes." I say.

"Well then we're skipping the baby steps and going straight to teenage steps." She mumbles.

   The door opens and standing there is Zaydon. He looks me up and down and smiles.

'Oh I hate that guy.' I think as his gaze sends chills throughout my body. I stand there waiting for one of them to say something.

"Father, will these do?" She asks, holding up the shoes.

"Yes, they will do."

   I look over at him. Unbelievable. These two nimrods want me to wear heels as my first pair of shoes. They must really be crazy.

    Cordin walks up to me and gives me a warning look. She kneels and places the shoes onto my feet. I stand there trying to get used to the change.

    Zaydon walks up to me offers me his arm. I don't want to take it, but I know that I must. He begins to walks out, but I don't move, he loses grip on my arm and stops. I'm too scared to move and kill myself.

   Zaydon looks at me, "why aren't you moving?"

"I am goin to die in these shoes." I say as unsarcastically as I can.

"Oh that's right, you've never worn shoes." He says. "Put her in flats."

   Out of the corner of my eye, I see Cordin run to the closet and comeback with something black in her hands. She kneels and takes the death traps off of my feet and replaces them with the flats.

   Zaydon takes my hand again and walks out, pulling me with him.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now