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"These children do no belong here. They are Harolese, they are our enemies." I hear Odin shout inside the library.

I feel awful because Odin caught Frigga helping me with my powers in the library. He didn't seem too happy with the fact that we were out of our room.

"They are just children, Odin." I hear Frigga yell. "Don't bring them into the battle we have with their kind."

It goes quiet in the room. I wonder what they are talking about.

"I didn't know that Haroly was the planet we were on." I say.

"Me neither." Margeratha says.

'It feels nice to not have Loki making fun of me.' I think.

"Do you possess any other powers?" I ask.

"Well I can run fast, like the way you claimed you could, and I am kind of strong." She says.

"Arm wrestle?" I ask waving my fingers in the air.

"What is arm wrestle?" She asks me.

"On Midgard humans liked to see who's stronger by arm wrestling." I explain. "It's fun, wanna try?"

"Sure, why not?" She says.

   I show her how to hold my hand and all of the basics.

"Three, two, one... go," I say.

Before we begin Heimdall runs in our direction. He has a worried look on his face.

"Where is Odin?" He asks.

My sister and I point at the door to the library while we quickly move out of the way. He runs in and goes up to Odin and whispers. Odin and Frigga look over at me.

"This is exactly why I didn't want this child to come to Asgard." He says. "Ready the Einherjar. You," He points at us, "come with me."


Asgard comes into our view and I hear our army prepare behind me. I don't want to go for these girls. The other four subjects should be enough for us to continue, why does he need A1? We've already completed the phases with one of these kids.

"Are you ready." I hear my dad say as he comes up to me.

I nod and he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I want you to be the one to push the button."

"Why?" I ask.

"She seems to trust you more than any of us, and she doesn't have her body, she doesn't possess all of her powers." He explains as he hands me a com.

"Ok." I say.

I don't think this is the best idea. We already pulled plenty of strings with Asgard, I wonder how they are going to react to this special visit.

I feel us begin to go down to land. Asgard's army begins to go into formation under us.



   We follow Odin through the hallways. He still hasn't told us where we were going but we can't really say no to a man who is a king... right?

He stops and opens a door. The room is completely made of gold, of course. We walk in and he gestures for us to sit down. We sit down and he begins to speak. His eye looking at both of us at the same time.

"I don't believe that this is the proper time to have this conversation but I must know." He says. "Do you two know why the Harolese want you so badly?"


"Yes." My sister says

"What?" I squeak.

"They want us because we are the two 'Stone Children'." She says.

"How do you know this?" I ask.

"It was in one of the lessons they taught me." She continues. "I think the prophecy went something like this, 'two children will be born to the last mother of the kind six months after the invasion that destroys their native planet...'"

"'The children will be born on a planet far from their own. They will each possess the powers of three Inf..."


Parts of the ceiling collapse onto us and I jump over my sister. Odin picks us up.

'Wow he's strong for an old man.' I think as he sets us down.

   We run back in the direction that we came from. Odin stops and turns and we follow. He opens the two large entry doors and all we see is chaos.

"Stay here." Odin shouts and then takes off toward the battle.

'I don't understand why we can't help.' I say trying to reach out to my sister.

'We don't have our powers, A. We are useless.' Her voice fills my head.

My sister and I watch as Thor throws his hammer at the masked men that come charging toward us.

"Isn't this fun, brother!" Thor shouts at Loki.

"We have two different types of fun." Loki shouts back as he disappears. He runs back into the fight and knives one of the masked men.

"Woah." I say and feel the coldness enter into my mind.

'Incredible wasn't it?' Loki's voice echoes in my mind.

'Get out of my head.' I say back as I imagine a wall.

   I look up and see Loki take a blow by one of the masked figures. He looks up at me curiously.

"You're a strange creatures shouts." He then returns to the fight.

"Enough!" Yells Odin from above us.

   The fighting stops. He stands on his balcony. His gold eyepatch reflects in the sun.

"Take the children." He says.

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now