Phase 2 (Part 2)

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'That's going to hurt in the morning.'

   He chuckles again as he winds up to punch me. I'm really beginning to hate this guy. I role out of the way just in time, feeling the pound of his fist.

"You are quick," He says.

I kick him in the arm, hearing a faint crack. He groans in pain and cradles his hand. I push my self up and knee him in the chest, causing him to fall to the ground. I throw one punch after the other.

The nest thing I know a hand is around my throat. He stands up and squeezes my throat. I feel the cold begin to burn my skin. I grab at his fingers trying to pry his fingers away from my neck.

"Aaahh," I cry out, quickly pulling my fingers away from my also burning neck.

   He smiles that stupid smirk. I begin to twist to try to loosen his grasp, it only helps to tighten his grip on me.

"You're strong." He cackles, "but not as strong as me."

   My neck feels as if it is being stabbed continuously. Darkness rims my sight.  I kick my legs and hit his chest, but I feel myself grow weaker with each impact.

'No, no, no, no.'

The darkness becomes unavoidable and it consumes me.


"Ok, now we need to get her out." I say as I bolt to a computer, while doing so pushing one of the masked men out of the way.

   My fingers fly across the keyboard as I send out the order to the computer to send her back.

'Please work,' I pray, waiting to see movement in her lifeless body on the other side of the glass. I look up and see her slowly fade away from the grasp of the Frost Giant. I hold my breath waiting to see if she returns.

I see her chest rise and fall. I let my breath out and smile in relief. I walk out the room to find my father.


'I was just staring at a Frost Giant, then I died?!? Wait no I'm not dead, or am I? I squirm but restraints hold me down. Nope, still alive; at least, I think I am... I don't think the afterlife has restraints like these... or does it?....Ugh, too many questions.'

   I open my eyes, the light blurs my vision, I blink trying to make my eyes adjust to the stupid light. I groan as I continue to think.

'Where was I? I think I was on a field on Midgard maybe...? Wait no, Frost Giants don't live on Midgard. What about Asgard? Could I have been possibly sent there?'

I get pulled from my thoughts when the door opens. Both of the blue people walk in, whispering to each other as they walk.

'So they are related.'

   They both stop and look at me.

"Yes, we are related." Says the girl as she crosses her arms.

"You have failed the second task," Says the man, "we will have another go at it tomorrow."

With that he walks out the room, leaving me and his daughter alone. She looks down at her clipboard and writes something down.

'Sooo... this is awkward.' I sit there and think since I have nothing better to do. She cackles and I look over at her.

"You know, you need to work on that part of your powers," she says between chuckles.

"Powers?!? I have powers!!!" I almost scream this out.

"Yes of course you do. How do you think you took out all of those guards the other day? How  do you think some of us are reading your mind?"

"I don't know, I didn't put much thought into that."

"Well, you should have. In order for all of the training we provided for you to pay off, you should know to think things through."

"Yes, well, let's not forget that I'm still a kid." I respond smoothly. Then I mumble, "not really provide, more like force."

We stand there for a few awkward moments. Well she stands I just chill with my body in restraints.

"How do I control these 'powers'?" I say. I sit there waiting for her answer.

"We're," she pauses as if she was trying to figure out what to say, "not exactly sure."

"What do you mean you're 'not exactly sure?'"

"We've studied you for eighteen mognias, but we still haven't scratched the surface of it. My boss...."

"Your dad?"

"Yes, my dad would beg to differ, we've studied your species for almost three thousand mognias, and we still don't know a damn thing."

I sit there taking in all of the new information she has just given to me.

"Let's get you to bed."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now