Honor has no Part in our Society

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POV of Zaydon 

I watch as the screen shows us what A2 is seeing. She is running away from A1. Why is she doing that? I wonder as she runs through the halls, creating distance between her and A2. We just experienced A1 use her abilities against her sister. I am quite shocked that she already learned how to use some of her specialties. He motions for me to walk out and I lead the way.

"Sir, it is ready to be tested." A Harolic says. I look back at him and nod.

"Sir, I was thinking, is this really necessary?" He asks.

"Yes, yes it is." I say as he walks with me to the laboratory. 

"I was just thinking that it would make the rest of the Harolese very angry, they may think that this is not honorary, to take control of a child." He says.

I look at his name tag. "6274, son, there is no honor in our society, especially when we are at the brink of extinction. Haroly is on the brink of collapse, if we get both of these girls back, our planet will be thriving within the next two years. Don't you want that for our planet?" I refuse to tell anyone about my wife, my daughter and I are the only Harolese that knows about her.

"I do want this planet to have a thriving society but is this really the right way to go?" He asks.

"Well do you have any ideas?" I ask. "Because we have tried everything we could come up with." 

"No, sir." We walk in silence the rest of the way. 

6274 opens the door for me, I walk in and as I pass him he puts his arms straight at his sides and then walks out. I walk to the computer where one of the Harolics are sitting, copying code into a computer. I look at a screen that shows what A2 is seeing.

"Sir, it is done." says the Harolic at the computer.

I walk over to his computer and look at the coding. "Launch it." I say.

"Sir, she is in combat, we don't know if it is stable or how long it will last." He says. "We have tested it, but we don't know how long it will last."

"I don't care, launch it." I say and watch as he launches the code. I look up on the screen and watch as the screen goes blank and two words show up on the screen: "Launch system?" I look down at the Harolic and motion to the screen.

"Do what you were told to do." I say as calmly as I can. "Launch it."

I watch as he types "launch" and hits send. I look back up at the screen and watch as A2 opens her eyes. The coloring on the screen is slightly different, it seems to be a tinted red. I watch as she gets up from the ground looks around and stands there.

"Sir, you have to give her a command." The Harolic says.

I walk over to the computer and type in 'catch A1 and bring her back to Haroly at any means necessary'. I look down at the Harolic and smirk, the system we had created to mimic the power A1 has is working very well. This  I walk out and go to visit my daughter.


"It took you long enough." She says when I enter the room. A force field separates us from each other or rather her from killing me. She sits on her bed, her legs crossed as she eats the meal that was brought to her.

"We launched project scrutinize." I say. 

She drops her sandwich and stares at me. "Why are you doing that to her? She is just a child."

"We need her to protect us." 

"Protect us from what? You say you are doing all of this for mom then you say things like this." She says clearly getting more upset. "She deserves to live her life, have a childhood, they both do."

"Protect us from famine, wars, droughts, stopping Haroly from collapsing in on itself." I say. "They will live lives as queens when they are done with what they are destined to do." 

"Maybe if you actually treated these girls correctly, they would have done what you wanted more willingly." She says. 

"I did what I had to do to make things right."

"Make things right?" Cordin screams. "You forced these girls to do your dirty work, you tortured them, made them train until they couldn't move another muscle, you mimic A1's ability to control people with Project Scrutinize, you even made A1 forget her life up until the past two weeks. You are not doing Haroly a favor, you are the one destroying it."

I slam my fist onto the table that is sitting in front of me, I see Cordin jump on top of her bed. She looks at me and shakes her head. She picks up the sandwich, looks at it and throws it at the field. I watch as it lands burnt crisp.

"Now you are controlling A2, what other forms of hell are you going to force upon them?" She asks.

"Whatever I need to in order to make Haroly a prospering planet." I say over my shoulder as I walk out, closing the door behind me to block out what she was going to say.

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