New Allies?

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"Where the hell did he come from?" Zaydon shouts. "Get her out of there."

He runs frantically to a computer and pushes a creature out of the way. He slides his fingers across the screen to check her vitals. Her body, the one laying on the other side of the glass, had a normal heartbeat and breathing rate. The body she possesses is not normal, the bpm is twice as fast as it should be.

   Zaydon runs over and looks up on the screen, watching as the man talk to her.

"It was a trap!" He says running to the screen.

"Yeah, no sh-"

"Who are you," I ask, he looks extremely familiar.

"I am Thor, son of Odin..."

"Thor?!?" I squeak. "You're Thor. The one from Norse Mythology?"

"Yes, the only word I find incorrect in that statement is 'mythology'." He says. "I was sent here to bring you to my home, Asgard."

"Asgard!" I put my hands on my head and crouch to the floor from dizziness. "I must really be dreaming."

"I can assure you, this is no dream." He says putting his hands up.

"Ow." I say as I pinch myself. "Ow."

"I need you to come with me before the Harolese return you to your actual bod-"


"-y." he's beginning to look frustrated.

Two hands grab on to my shoulders and I flip around. A woman in silver armor stands there, her sleek, dark brown hair is tied up in a pony tail, is this 'Lady Sif'?

I pull myself loose and run away from the two of them. Woah I'm running fast, I look back at the two crazy people and see them at the bottom of the hill looking up at me. I turn back around and continue to sprint.

'Run.' I keep telling myself, 'don't look back. Just run.'

I pass by the hut and run down the hill but I stop. At the bottom of the hill a man is standing there. He's wearing black leather clothing with a green and gold cloak. With... horns sticking out of his head.

'They're not horns, you mewling quim.' Says a voice that definitely was not my mind voice.

'Who said that?'

"I did," says the man.

Nobody was able to talk to me in my mind before. What is this sorcery?

"Wait, did you just use Victorian slang, and called me a 'mewling quim'?" I say.

"I suppose I did," He says.

"You just called me a whining..."

"I am well aware of what I called you," He says a smirk playing on his lips.

Two hands wrap around my waist and I flail myself but whoever's grasp this is is too strong. I look down where the man was but he's gone.

"It is an essential to check your six every few moments." Says the man from the bottom of the hill.

I try to twist myself but the man's grasp won't let up. Two more pairs of hands grab onto me and I am held against someone's chest.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost." Shouts Thor.

A weird sensation comes onto me as I am lifted up. Colors surround us and we fly into the air.


"Where'd she go?" I ask as I look up at the dark screens.

"She went to the one place we didn't want her to," my father says, "Asgard."

"Well it looks like we're screwed."

"We are going to get her back," he grumbles, "even if it's the last thing I do."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now