The Beginning of the Plan

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POV of A2/Margeratha

    I fly out of the vortex and fall to the ground. Sunshine beams down on me, I can't quite remember the last time I ever felt it. I get up and take in my surroundings. I'm in a small village, not many people, maybe a couple hundred, seems to be more farmland than anything else, and the most important thing, no soldiers. A perfect distraction.

I walk up to one of the mothers who is holding a baby. I look into her soul and see that she has four kids, her husband is a soldier along with two of her sons, she is very poor and has a farm on this side of Asgard. She also highly dislikes Odin, she feels as if it is all his fault that her family is poor. 

I stop and look at her square in the eye for a few seconds, making sure that she will remember me. I then look away and walk over to a red barn and go in. It's full of straw and livestock, I've never seen an animal before in my life. It is quite a hideous creature, with its pink skin, long flat nose, and round stomach. I grab a lit lantern off of a support beam and walk back out. I look back at the woman, I make her imagine me being a farmer dressed in similar clothing she is in. Red flames wrap around my arms and spread like snakes to change my appearance. I wear a long, blue dress with patches and stitches. I look at the woman and throw the lantern into a pub. Screams erupt inside of it, all of a sudden I am thrown across the small path. I quickly recover myself and get up. A hole now takes place where the door used to be, flames dance inside as the screams grew louder. I turn to the direction of the homes and buildings around the pub, the fire had spread to those buildings. I smile, turn and run toward the castle.

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