Frigga with the Mind Business

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    We eventually come to a stop before some familiar doors. The woman open them and inside Frigga is sitting in a lounge chair with a book in her hands. She has a fire blazing in the fireplace, which casts shadows from the spines of books on the walls. The library, of course she chose this room. She looks up and smiles.

"Is it that time already?" She says.

"Yes ma'am."  Says the woman to my right.

    I walk in and the woman close the door behind me. Frigga gestures to a chair in front of her and I sit. She looks at me for a few moments longer and then begins to speak.

"I believe you are still having difficulties with you brain conversations, am I correct?" She asks.

"Yes." I say. "I do not know how to not have others hear me when I don't want them to."

"I see." She says.

"I figured out how to talk to creatures individually though." I say.

"Ok, let's try some basics." She says. "Try to clear your mind."

    I close my eyes and focus on the blackness my eyelids have caused.

"Now just breath." She says. "I am going to try to enter your mind."

I feel her warm, sunshine like presence slide into my mind.

"Interesting." She says.

"What?" I ask.

"There is something here, in your mind that doesn't seem quite right. As if it doesn't fit." We sit there for a few awkward moments.

"What do you mean 'it doesn't fit?" I ask.

"The mind is like a puzzle. Our emotions, memories, and experiences create who we are. Your brain seems like it has pieces that don't fit right. It's as if the pieces were remade or rejumbled..." She says and then stops to look at me. "Now try to push me out."

   I imagine a wall and see Frigga get taken back. Her presence isn't in my mind anymore. She looks up at me smiling.

"I don't see what difficulty you are having." She says.

"The only issue that I am having is others could hear my thoughts when I don't want them to." I say.

"Ah, so your mind is somehow connecting with others without you intending it." She says.

    I nod and look over at the fire. I watch as it dances around on the bed of logs and flickers shadows around the large room.

"I am not aware on how to fix this issue." She says. "The only thing I could think of is we try a variety of different exercises for the mind to try to figure out a way to help you not allow everyone to hear you in their heads."

"Ok." I respond. I just want to get this over with.

"Close your eyes and face me." She says. "I'm going to ask you to think of a series of objects to think of to block me out of hearing your thoughts. Let's begin with a wall."


   Nothing has been working. Frigga has me try imagining everything to block her out when I am thinking. We've tried walls, doors, curtains... everything but nothing seems to work.

"Alright, I believe that is enough for one day." Frigga says. "You should go to your next lesson."

"Next lesson?" I say.

"With Loki." She says.

"Oh, I almost forgot." I wish it wasn't real. "Yay."

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