The Battle of Chicago (Part 2)

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A/N Hey guys, just checking in. Wow I can't believe how far this story has come! This is officially the longest story I have ever written, I hope you guys are enjoying it just as much as I am enjoying writing it:). This is the longest chapter so far! Enjoy:-)


"Alright ready?" I say and she nods. I wait a few seconds and ask myself the same question. "Okay, three, two, one, go!"

I break the connection and wake up. The green flames begin to disintegrate and turn to yellow flames. Margeratha hand tightens around my neck as she continues to send the orange flame into my chest. I see her eyes turn yellow and she tenses up, the orange flames begin to disappear. A car passes by us, honking its horn as it turns the corner.

"Let go of me." I say firmly. 

She let's me go  and waits for her next command.

"Get Zaydon out of your head." I say.

I see her eyes close her eyes and then open them up again. Her eyes are no longer glowing yellow, she smirks.

"That was a mistake." She says and blue flames wrap around her arms.

I hear a weird noise from above me and I look up. Margeratha had opened a portal large enough to fit one of the Harolese's ships through, another one follows. I look back down at Margeratha and I realize something. The portals  in my vision were never meant for me, they were meant for the ships.

A bright light flashes down to us and I feel myself begin to get lifted up. I look over at my sister and try to reach out to her with my mind but it doesn't work, I can't focus. As we get closer to the ship I become more and more afraid. I don't want to go back and I definitely don't want my sister to go back there. I feel myself get angrier and angrier the higher we go up.  I look down and see my arms get quickly wrapped around by purple flames. Margeratha looks at me fearfully, a surge of power courses through me and I feel myself fly back.

I hit the ground hard for the third time tonight. I look up and see the ship explode in purple flames.  Something thumps besides me and I look over to see Margeratha laying there. I crawl over to her and touch her, she moves a little bit, but her eyes are still closed. 


I look up and see the ship had crashed into a building. Shards of glass, and parts of the building and ship begin to fall toward us. I shake my sister trying to wake her up but she won't budge. I quickly get up causing a wave of dizziness to crash over me. The debris gets closer and I begin to panic. I grab onto her arms and pull her out of the way. A large piece of the ship lands where we just were. I turn into an alley and lean her against the wall. I check her neck for a pulse and feel a faint one, as I hold it there, I feel it become more quick and rapid. She opens her eyes, they are filled with pure hatred. 

"Margeratha, are you ok?" I ask as I stand up. 

She glares up at me and then flies up, I get slammed against the opposite wall. Her arms get surrounded by the red flames and they travel up to my mind. I close my eyes and red flashes in my mind. I open my eyes and see my sister throwing punches and kicks at me as I deflect them. I watch from my perspective as I take the opportunity to take the offensive side and throw my own punches. She blocks all of my blows and kicks my feet from under me. The scene changes to us being in a lab. I look over at my sister fearfully, I don't want her to go through this pain because I disobeyed, I hear the machines power up. I get my back slammed back down to the table and the scene changes. I am controlling her, yellow flames surround me as I make her do what I imagine. 

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