An Unwelcomed Visitor

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A/N Hey guys just wanted to say hi! I hope you are enjoying the story so far, this has been the longest story I have ever written and I really like the way it is coming. I can't wait for you guys to read what is coming next!!!


Guards rush past me, yelling in tongues that I can't understand. I see Thor run towards me, he nods at me, but before he can pass me I grab onto his arm, almost getting dragged by him. He stops looks down at my hand on his arm and smiles. 

"Agerathea, I appreciate the gesture, but I am much older than you are." He says.

I roll my eyes. "That's not why I stopped you Thor." I say as he looks down at me, a little flash of something streaks across his eyes. "What is going on?"

"A village is on fire over the hill. A woman reported that she had seen another woman start the village on fire,  we are on the search for this woman so you will not have to attend any of your classes today. Many apologies Agerathea, but I must get going." He says and runs off.

I run in the direction Thor ran in. I pass many more guards who are shouting in a language that I can't put my finger on. I run into the main hall as I try to keep up with Thor, I was about to reach him when a woman grabbed onto my arm. I look at her and she is one of the maids.

"That is extremely unlady like." she says thoroughly as she stares into my eyes, I swear I've seen those somewhere... Her grip tightens on my wrist, I look down at the woman's arm, bright red flames wrap around her arms. Margeratha. I try to yank my arm away but I can't her arm is like steal, it doesn't even move when I yank my hand. She changes back into her true form

"Stop, I just want to talk." she says. 

I stop struggling and look at her. "Really, you just want to talk?" I say. "Because the last time we were together you took me back to Haroly." I can hear my voice shake by just mentioning that place. She is still expressionless, as if I wasn't her sister, as if all those years we spent together in that room didn't matter. I don't want to become like her.

"I know, but this time I'm giving you a choice. Zaydon wanted me to tell you that he wants to make a deal with you." She continues. "He says that if you return he will do the medical procedure of M.R.O.B.."

"What does that stand for?"

"Magnetic re-transfer of the brain ." she says.

"I don't understand, what do you mean 'magnetic re-transfer of the brain'?" I ask.

"I can't tell you anything else, unless you agree to come back." I still don't understand, I had memories missing?

"No." I say.

"Perhaps this will change your mind." She says. "You will get all of your memories back, which would include you knowing how to control your powers." I can't feel my fingers anymore, her hand is still wrapped around my wrist. I look her square in the eye.

"I do not accept." I say thoroughly. "And you can tell Zaydon that I will never accept. Now let me go" 

I feel a familiar feeling begin in my head and travel down to my fingertips. I look down and see yellow flames wrapped around them. My sister lets go of me and doesn't move. I look up at her and see her eyes glowing yellow and they are glazed over. 

"Margeratha?" I say, I still don't know what is going on with her. "What are you doing? Stop it!" 

She jumps up and looks at me with wide eyes. She looks down at herself and then back up at me. Her eyes turn red and flames travel around her arm and up her body causing her to disappear. A sudden wave of dizziness crashes into me and I fall. 

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