Phase 2 (Part 3)

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'I'm not going to do what they want.' I think.

"A1, you must do it." Says Zaydon.

We are standing in front of a door. It opens and inside is the chair similar to the one my sister is in. I turn to run but two hands grab me and push me in.

   I throw a punch and hit someone in the jaw. The two hands release me and I make a break for it. I run through the hallways, having no idea where I was going. I hear footsteps pound the floor behind me. Darts whiz past my body as I zigzag down the hallway and make another turn.

    I stop. Two masked creatures stand in front of me with guns pointed at me. They fire. I see the darts coming at me. I feel a familiar jolt in my stomach as I watch the darts slow down only inches from me.

   I walk toward the two of them and then take off in a full on sprint. I go in between the two of them and push them against the wall. The tug in my stomach fades and I hear a loud bang from a few feet behind me. I turn and see the darts on the wall, the men on the floor, and dents in the wall.

   I feel my legs burn but I refuse to give up. I run zigzagging my way around this place as I try to figure out a way back to my sister.


I turn around and see Zaydon standing and pointing a gun at me. He fires it. I feel a pinch on my skin and look down. Sticking out of my chest is a dart, tingling spreads throughout my body and I fall to the floor.

"You should've gone in, A1." He says.

I huff as a creature picks me up and carries me in the direction I had just came. My eyes grow heavy with the movement and I fall to sleep.


I wake up on the field again but I am alone. I walk around in search of the Frost Giant.

'Where'd he go?' I ask myself.

I go over a hill and see the Frost Giant on the ground. I walk up to it and I don't feel any beat in his chest. Dead, I think. I continue to walk down the hill.

    At the bottom of the hill there is a small hun and I walk toward it.


"How is the Frost Giant dead?!?" Zaydon asks.

    I look up at the screen and wonder the same thing. The giant doesn't appear to have any open wounds or bullet holes. How did he die though?

"Poison possibly." I simply say. "Let's just hope that something else will pop up, so we could continue on with the phases with her. Especially if we've lost her sister forever."

   We watch as A1 walks down the hill toward the hut. She was sent back to Sector 471, I believe the place is one of the nine realms, it's close to the one A2 was sent to.

"Yes, let's hope," He says. "I do wonder who killed him. He seemed to be in perfect health when we found him and sent him to this sector."

"I wonder that, too."


   I open the door and walk into the small hut. A tiny bed sits in the corner with a stove standing next to it. I walk over to the unmade bed and sit on it. I look around the hut seeing small trinkets everywhere.

I loud boom sounds outside along with swishing. I jump up and run out the door. I see a bright light filled with rainbows as it flies toward the ground. It stops, and standing there is a tall, muscular man with long blonde hair and beard and in his hands is a large hammer?

"Lady A1," He says, "I need you to come with me."

The Last of Her Kind (The Attolian #1) (An MCU Original)Where stories live. Discover now