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Martinus- "And what if is it gonna be a girl? Or even twins?"

Sarah- "Babe we don't even know if the test will be positive."

Martinus- "What if it won't be mine?"

Sarah- "Don't say that. It will be yours, Marcus used protection. There's no possible way it's not yours."

Martinus- "I can't wait to buy baby clothes. What if it will be a boy twins?"

I walked up to him and kissed him passionately.

Sarah- "I love you so much."

Martinus- "I love you too. Is the test done?"

I laughed and we walked to the bathroom counter to see what's on the pregnancy test. My eyes started to water when I saw a + sign on the test.

Martinus- "Oh my god yes!"

He picked me up hugged me while both of us were crying from happiness.

Martinus- "I can't believe it."

Sarah- "We will become parents. Oh my god. I've always dreamed of this."

Martinus- "Come here princess, I want to show you something."

He took my hand and walked me to the living room, flower petals were everywhere.

Martinus- "Princess you know how much I love you."

Sarah- "Of course I do. I love you too."

Martinus- "I wanted to do this from the time I first saw you walk into our first class in high school. Your beautiful hazelnut eyes met mine and I fell in love with you in that second. Everytime I saw you smiling, it was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I wanted to be the reason why you would smile everytime. When we first bumped into each other and our hands touched, I felt something undescribable.
Everytime you came into the class with puffy watery eyes, I wanted to comfort you right there. Or everytime you came into the class all messy in your grey oversized hoodie and black sweatpants, I immediately knew you're probably on your period. It's not very romantic sentence but, I wanted to take you home and cuddle with you. When I saw you with someone else, I became jealous because I didn't want you to get hurt after.."

I smiled, tears were rolling down my cheeks. I can't be more happy.

Martinus- "This smile is the most beautiful thing that heals all my pain. This little buddy who isn't even here will be glad to have such a beautiful family like us. I want to spend the entire life with you.. And I'm asking you right now.."

He kneeled down in front of me, taking out a small satin box. I started to cry even more.

Martinus- "Sarah Dolan, will you marry me?"

I kissed him, tears never stopped running down my cheeks.

Sarah- "Yes, I will. I love you endlessly."

Martinus- "I love you too. You don't even know how much."

Our kisses became more and more intense, he picked me up not breaking the kiss and we walked to the bedroom.

Sarah- "Martinus we can't do it."

Martinus- "Why?"

Sarah- "I'm pregnant remember."

Martinus- "The baby doesn't exist yet so we're safe. We'll ask the doctor tomorrow if it's safe okay?"

I nod and we continued kissing, carefully he put me on the bed while he took off my clothes along with his clothes. Then he left kisses along my body down to my private parts, teasingly he lightly and softly kissed my clit, then he brushed his tongue gently down there. (Why am I so bad at writing these..). I let out few moans, he started to kiss my neck and we spent an enjoyable night together.

• • • • • • • • • •

The next morning we went to the doctor so he can do the ultrasound. As he was gliding the thing (don't come at me idk what it is called). Martinus was holding my hand the entire time, the doctor had a really confusing look.

Martinus- "Is the baby okay?"

Doctor- "The babies are doing great."

Sarah- "Babies?"

Doctor- "Mrs. Dolan, you're having twins."

I could see the tears of happiness in Martinus's eyes, I'm glad we're going through this together. After a long ride home I fell asleep in Martinus's arms..


New chapter yaaay❤ hope you'll like it, I didn't really have time to write after what I did to myself..

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