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Sarah- "We can't do this again."

Marcus- "I know. That's why I'm going away. It's over, go back there so you have fun and that I won't ruin everything."

I took his hand and look him in the eyes.

Sarah- "You're not going anywhere, you brother wants you there, and me also."

He puts his hands on my stomach and he was crying.

Marcus- "So they are twins. I remember how you dreamed about having twins and that we would be a beautiful family."

Sarah- "I remember it too, now come on. They probably miss us."

He hugged me and then we walked back to my apartment, I'm glad he listened to me and went back. It's hard to get him listen to you but I finally know him, he's a great person, but sometimes he can be pain in the ass but I love him, not in that way. In the elevator I saw him holding back his tears, so I stopped the elevator, and he looked at me with a confused look. I hugged him tightly, at first he didn't hug me back, but then he did and he cried onto my shoulder, I've never seen him crying this much.

Marcus- "I don't want to lose you, I want you and it's killing me you're not mine, I love you very much. Please Sarah."

Sarah- "What are you pleasing for? What can I do Marcus?"

Marcus- "I.. I don't know. I love you so much that it's killing me, I don't know what to do about it. I've never loved anyone else, only you."

Sarah- "I don't know what to do for now."

Marcus- "One thing can help me for now until you don't figure out things."

Sarah- "What is it?"

Marcus- "One kiss."

Sarah- "Marcus I told you something about the kisses and other things."

Marcus- "Sarah please, one kiss for now."

We're still in the elevator which is not moving because I stopped it. I look him in the eyes and he was really broken.

Sarah- "One kiss, nothing else."

He smashed his lips onto mine, our lips were locked onto each other, they were moving in a sync. He pulled me closer to his body and things became more and more heated. Our tongues were battling for dominance while his hand was trailing down my back.

Sarah- "Marcus this is going too far."

He shut me up by smashing his lips back onto mine. Then he started to kiss my neck, I was scared he will give me hickeys. After that he stopped and whispered 'thank you'. We did our hair and clothes so we look normal, but I saw bulge in his pants. Oh shit I gave him a hard on.

Sarah- "You sure you want to go back like this?"

Marcus- "No, but I know what to do."

He pressed the garage button on the elevator, he went to his car and told me to go back, that he'll come back in some time. I did what he told and went back. Martinus walked up to me with worried look.

Sarah- "He'll come back, but he needs little time to think. But he'll be back soon."

Martinus- "I love you, what I would do without you."

We went celebrate for a while, when Marcus came back without a bulge in his pants, thank god..


Short chapter I'm sorry, I'm sorry also for making them kiss, but little drama won't hurt. 😉🤔

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