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I've opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was Marcus sitting next to my hospital bed crying, then I immediately thought about my babies.

Sarah- "Wh- where are my babies?"

I whispered and Marcus sat down next to me holding my hand.

Marcus- "Omg Sarah, I'm so glad you're alive."

Sarah- "Where are my babies Marcus?"

Marcus- "Shh calm down."

Sarah- "I want to know where are my babies."

Marcus- "You don't remember?"

Sarah- "No. I only remember the car crash."

Marcus- "Princess. Your babies, how to say it. They eventually didn't make it."

Sarah- "What!?"

Marcus- "Shh calm down please."

Sarah- "How am I supposed to be calm. My babies, my babies are dead Marcus, because your brother didn't stopped the car!"

Marcus- "He was trying to protect you and your babies."

Sarah- "Well he fucked up."

Marcus- "Sarah please don't say these things."

Sarah- "I'm done with him Marcus."

I started crying, Marcus sighed and look on the floor.

Marcus- "He is in very dangerous condition, he ended up in coma."

Sarah- "I'm sorry Marcus, I didn't know that."

Marcus- "You didn't had a chance to know it you just woke up. I'll go call the doctor."

He stood up, he definitely looked he's hurt because of what happened to his brother. But his brother killed our babies and I won't forgive him, never. After few minutes the doctor arrived and he asked me how do I feel and that stuff, he also gave me some medicine and said that I'll be able to go home tomorrow, and I can continue on recovering at home. In my head I definitely knew what I'll do when I'll arrive home. I then called Marcus to come sit down on the chair next to my bed.

Sarah- "Did you ate something Marcus? You look tired."

Marcus- "No I didn't."

Sarah- "Please Marcus, do it for your brother, you need energy. Go to the buffet and eat something small. Please."

Marcus- "I don't want to leave you alone."

Sarah- "I'm okay Marcus, your health is also important. Look at me, you need to eat something. You can come back here, I'm not going anywhere."

Marcus- "Okay then."

Sarah- "Thank you."

He kissed my forehead and walked away to the buffet, I was getting tired so I decided to take a nap.

2 hours later

After my nap I haven't seen Marcus anywhere, I remember he said he'll come back. Maybe he just went to see Martinus but I am still kinda worried. I slowly sat up and I tried to walk to the bathroom alone, I'm going home tomorrow I want to at least try to move at my own. In the bathroom after I used the toilet, I looked into the mirror and as I was watching the reflection I started to remember everything that happened that day of the incident. I know Marcus told me what happened but I still didn't remembered everything, but now I do. Me and Martinus were yelling at each other in the car because he didn't wanted to stop the car, son of a bitch if he would stop or did something our babies wouldn't die. If we survived I would left him anyway. I am just hurt, very bad, I was carrying two beautiful kids under my heart that eventually died because of Martinus's stupidity. I was lost in my thoughts when out of nowhere a nurse rushed to me and helped me to walk.

Nurse- "Mrs. Dolan you can't walk on your own, you woke up from your artificial sleep few hours ago. You need to rest."

Sarah- "I'm okay, I needed to go to the toilet. And I feel amazing also."

Nurse- "A guy named Marcus told me that he really cares about you and he doesn't want you to get hurt Miss."

Sarah- "I don't care about him."

She looked at me weirdly, after that she help me to get into my bed but I slightly pushed her away and told her that I can walk on my own. I know it was a bitch move but I am just uncomfortable when someone is touching me after I found out that Martinus tried to have sex with me the day before the incident.

Sarah- "Was Marcus here?"

Nurse- "Yes he was, but we saw on the cameras that he was looking for something through your stuff and clothes, he made a huge mess, he eventually found the thing he wanted and he ran away."

Sarah- "Do you know what it was?"

Nurse- "I'm sorry Miss I truly don't know."

Sarah- "Oh okay, thank you."

She gave me my medicine and walked away, after that I went to my closet to see what Marcus took. Few minutes searching through the mess he left I found out he took my car keys, also the keys from my house. And I also found a little paper that probably fell from his pocket, it was an address. It was the address of my mom's apartment that she was staying at when she came over to the city. That son of a bitch. I started packing my clothes, thank god he didn't stole my phone at least I can call a taxi. Tomorrow morning I should be outta here, Marcus probably didn't went far, I know his knee got injured because of the incident so he probably stayed somewhere close around. I'll kill him when I will see him..


Hei <3 hope you enjoyed this chapter, I'm sorry it took me so long but as an excuse I wrote a longer chapter for y'all <3

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