Dare 34#

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stan: alright, but seriously though, why would he pick someone like him *gestures to douglas*

tommy: well from what i can remember douglas helped him when he was bummed for not getting a part in the school's play

kenny: this daniel tanner kid is a theater kid?

craig: dudes, stop speaking of him like any of us know what he looks like anyway

tommy: well if it helps, he dyed some of his hair blonde

clyde: you say this as if not a lot of the kids are bl- wait some?

tommy: the tips are still brown, weirdly

douglas: can you all stop talking about my non-existent love life 😑

louis: by the way, why are me, timmy, nelly and ashley sitting in the audience's sit- which wasn't here before, what the actual fuck

token: i ordered it just yesterday. besides, the stage was getting cramped-

kevin: *muffled**distant* -ESS!!! I HAVE TO WEAR A FUCKING DRESS!!!

henry: *muffled* well it didn't say you can't wear something underneath


kenny: hey guys!!! what-


kyle: *chokes* *in a coughing fit*

tweek: *spits out coffee* toomuCHPRESSURE!!!

butters: w- WHAT!? oh hamburgers!

henry: and stan, kenny, craig and clyde has to wear butlers outfit

cartman: *laughing hysterically* holy shit! the jew and his boyfriend are going to wear matching outfit!!


cartman: fuckin bite me "kahl"!!!

craig: ......i have to... what!?

kenny: wait! then what will the others-

allen: "the rest of us are going to be your masters, and you have to do everything we say"

stan: WHAT!?!?

jimmy: *laughing along with cartman*


kyle: *wearing a maid outfit like the picture in the media. his skirt reachs his knees, he's wearing white stockings that reach below his knees and black boots* *glares at everyone* if any of you so much as remind me of this i will cut off your head

kevin: *wearing the same thing as kyle but his skirt reach above his knees, he's also wearing black tights and dark brown thigh high boots* you know this is actually pretty comfy once you get past the sheer embarrassment

butters: *wearing the same thing but with a skirt that reach just above the floor* ..... *blushing uncontrollably*

tweek: GAHHHH!?!? WHY IS IT SO SHORT!? *holding down the skirt* *wearing the same thing but he's wearing sneakers and a white garter*

craig: *stares at tweek's legs* oh stop whining, yours isn't as short as broflovski... *wearing what stan's wearing in the media only with a blue tie*

stan: did you just admitted that you were also staring at kyle's legs fucker? *threatening tone* *wearing the same thing in the media and with his sleeves rolled up*

clyde: woah! you guys look great! *wearing the same thing as stan with his sleeves rolled up and a red tie*

kenny: *whistes* *wearing the same thing but his vest was unbuttoned and his sleeves like craig wasn't rolled up*

jimmy+cartman+tommy+nelly: *laughing loudly and hysterically* AahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!! HahahahahHAHAH!!!!

token+henry+louis: *trying to stiffle their laughters*

allen+douglas: *neutral face of displeasure*

ashley: *squeaks and covers red face*

timmy: *laughing silently into his hand*

cartman: *stops laughing* alright then! let's do this! stan!

stan: *flinch* yes?

cartman: *sits down* come here and rub my feet

stan: *grumbles as he kneels infront of cartman to massage his feet*

cartman: craig! do my other feet so you can be like twins

craig: *growls as he does so*

cartman: jew! rub my shoulder

kyle+stan: what!?

kyle: hell no cartman!!!

cartman: ei! it's a dare

kyle: *does so unwillingly* *rubs it harshly* there!

cartman: ouch!!

tommy: tweek! butters! i need you to run a little errand

butters: *sputters* you- YOU WANT US T- TO GO OUT THERE!!! WEARING THIS!?

tommy: you'll be fine~ here *gives tweek a list*

tweek: WHY IS IT SO LONG!?

tommy: it was my turn to run the week's errand in the orphanage! so chop chop! the kiddos are waiting

tweek+butters: *leaves*

token: clyde, i want you to get me a taco

clyde: oh! COOL-!!

token: but you can't eat it, bring it to me

clyde: whAT!? TOKEN!!! HOW COULD YOU TORTURE ME!? i thought i was your bestfriend

token: yea but you always ate mine, kevin go with him and make sure he doesn't use my money to buy extra

kevin: oh goodie! i get to go to a place where probably most of the people at school are right now *sarcastically*

kevin+clyde: *leaves*

kenny: and? what do i have to do?

cartman: clean my cat

kenny: what!? NO DUDE EW! THAT CAT IS LIKE 100 YEARS OLD!!!

cartman: he's not old, he is gross tho

allen: "...can we just finish this please?"

douglas: yea.. this is from @Green_Blue_WhatToDo

South Park - Truth or Dare ((Gay Edition))Where stories live. Discover now