Chapter 25.

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Anissa's POV

THIS IS A DREAM! Read carefully, it'll make sense later on so try to remember it! 😊

"Why do you even need to keep it? It means nothing to you now that you know the truth. It's a simple memento of your wasted pathetic..." Lolita tells me mockingly before I cut her off.

"I won't say it again, get the hell off my property," I tell her clenching my fists.

"Gladly amore, gladly, that is as soon as you give me what is rightfully mine," she says stepping a little closer to me, examining my neck.

She must think I'm wearing it now.

"I won't be giving you a god damn thing , leave now!" I shout feeling my last shred of patience disappear.

"Anitza who are you talking ..." I hear my father begin to say as he walks out onto the front deck before settling his eyes on Lolita, "YOU! You have the audacity to come here to my home and speak to my daughter? Leave! Leave NOW," my father demands in a stern voice, pointing a finger at her.

"I will leave today. But just remember Little Anitza, I always have a way of getting things that are rightfully mine," She says in a low voice, ignoring my father, " Always."

The way she says her farewell sends chills down my spine.

Once I am back in my room I move my bed as much as I can, revealing the hidden door in the wall that hides my safe.

The safe carries one thing.

Alanzo's necklace.

I grab it, quickly shutting the safe once again, moving my bed to it's rightful position before rushing to my closet.

I begin stuffing my backpack with my things, tossing the necklace to the very bottom.

When the police returned my items that Alanzo stole, one necklace caught my eye, when asked if it belonged to me I simply said yes.

Lolita had expected the police to give her the necklace and when she found out I had it she went ballistic.

Since the day Alanzo was buried she asked, she begged, and now demanded that I return it to her.

But why was this necklace so meaningful? Until I understood, I'd be keeping it, just to torment her.

How petty of me to keep something so meaningful to Lolita just to spite her.

Oh well.

I need to hurry, if I take too long I may change my mind. With my ticket purchased and my bag packed I say goodbye to my home ...forever.

"I told you Anitza, my things always find a way of getting back to me," Lolita says suddenly behind me snatching my backpack from my frozen hand.

She is holding a gun directly at my heart as she pulls the necklace out and over her head she gives me a devious smile, pulling the trigger.


I'm awake now, gasping for air, momentarily forgetting where I am.

I look around the dimly lit room, and see that I am alone.

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