Chapter 28.

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Authors Note

Sorry it took a little longer, the new Wattpad update isn't being nice with me. 🙈

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Harry's POV

"Espero que tengamos la oportunidad para visitar la taqueria de tu esposa(Hopefully we have a chance to visit your wife's taco restuarant)," Anissa tells the driver as I tug her hand towards the hotel entrance.

"Hurry up," I mutter to Anissa impatiently.

The entire 30 minute car ride to the hotel was spent listening to Anissa and the driver talking and laughing about God knows what which I didn't really mind. What really pissed me off was the fact that this guy kept staring at Anissa from his mirror every chance he got, I'm honestly surprised we didn't crash.

The second we pulled into the hotel parking lot I practically threw myself out of the car.

"Hey Anissa, maybe you should just jump back in the car and go home with the guy so this conversation never ends," I tell her a little louder this time.
This guy doesn't have a fucking clue as to what I'm saying anyway.

Anissa gives me a glare as she pulls her hand away from mine, turning back to the driver one last time.

"Muchas gracias. Que tengas una buen tarde,(Thank you so much, have a good afternoon)" she says finally walking away from the car, towards the lobby doors.

Anissa stares straight ahead as we walk in silence, clearly she's annoyed with me rushing her.

"What the hell was that all about?" I ask even though I know I'll only make things worse. I wait for her answer as we weave through some huge random forest shit right in the front of the lobby.

Great, another hotel with a stupid theme.

"What the hell was what?" Anissa answers back matching my tone of irritation.

" 'I don't like talking to people unless I have to' " I say mimicking her voice using her exact words, " Yea you really looked like you were having a tough time talking to that guy."

Anissa stops walking, giving me a look of disbelief.

"Seriously?" She asks sounding more annoyed then before. I cross my arms across my chest giving her a nod to let her know I am. She can be annoyed all she wants, I'm not the one who was flirting with the fucking driver.

"Two things. One, I don't sound like that when I talk and two ..."

"Actually you do sound like that. You sound exactly like that when you talk," I tell her childishly interrupting her little countdown.

What the hell is up with her always saying that anyway? 'Two things' 1.blah 2.blah

"And two that guy was old enough to be my dad!"

"Your joking right? That guy looked about 28 at most," I yell back.

"Why does it even matter? He was just telling me about his wife's taco business. He was also suggesting places we should stay away from when walking around the city so we don't get mugged. But since you want to act like a jealous child..."

"I'm not acting like a child and I'm not fucking jealous," I tell her pointing a finger at her making myself sound even more like a child.

And more jealous for that matter.

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