Chapter 1

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"For the hundredth time, I am NOT cheating on you Erica!" Chris roared, throwing his hands up in the air as his frustration and anger glowed on his face.

This is the same fight the two of you have been having all month and it was starting to take its toll on you. Each day, he spent less and less time with you and instead headed out with friends; and you had no idea where he was half the time. He was being secretive it felt like, distant and it worried you to no end.

There was a tightness in your chest as you looked at him. His teeth were clenched as it was apparent from the way his jaw bone jutted out. Not being able to face him anymore, you turned your back to face the kitchen. The stainless steel appliances gleamed in the sunlight from all the time you spent cleaning the damn place. It was a method you liked to do to help you relax, to calm yourself down when Chris went out with his friends. There was still a faint smell of the chocolate chip cookies you baked earlier, still untouched and in a container next to the stove.

Spotting your black leather handbag on kitchen island, you snatched it up along with your phone and marched towards the front door. You slipped on your purple ballet flats, Chris' voice making you pause as you touched the door handle.

"Where are you going?" Chris stammered with worry.

"Out," you snapped back, not even bothering to glance in his direction. Slamming the door shut, you got into your black Range Rover, your own personal gift to yourself last year for your birthday, and pulled out of the garage and onto the neighborhood road.

It was a rather normal day for springtime in Los Angeles and you rolled your window down. Your dark brunette hair whipped around your face as you drove down the street, not even knowing where you were headed to. You just needed to get out of the house, away from Chris and to collect your memories.

Things had been going so good for you both. A little over two years of dating and your naïve self still thought you would be in your 'honeymoon' phase. But you were wrong, and it made you feel uneasy. Naturally your first choice of thought was to think he was cheating on you as he never really wanted to spend much time with you over the last month. He had just got done filming two Avengers movies back to back and you missed him terribly while he was gone.

You pulled into the parking lot of a park, one that you had never been to before. Tears began to well in your eyes at the thought of possibly loosing Chris. Between him being distant from you and all the fighting, you couldn't hold back anymore and began to weep. Your vision blurred and your throat felt scratchy

Once your sobbing had finally ebbed, you used your light gray sweatshirt to wipe your face. Catching a glimpse of yourself in the rearview mirror, you groaned. Your eyes were red and puffy from crying and your mascara was splotched all over your cheeks. Pulling your phone from your purse that sat on the passenger seat, you knew just who to call.

It was only two rings before the familiar voice broke through the speaker. "Hey Erica," Sebastian spoke from the other end; an evident smile could be heard in his voice.

You and Sebastian dated for a little over four years before breaking up. It was your decision, something you liked to not dwell on, but you two were not only amicable, you remained very close friends. Sebastian even helped you get to where you are today with your career. Knowing at a young age that you wanted to work on movie sets, your mom encouraged you to follow your dream. After working your ass off in college, you met Sebastian on a movie he was in while you were interning and from there, he helped you get in contact with Marvel as he just signed his own movie deal with them.

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