Chapter 10

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You went to bed that night with a smile on your face, Dodger curled up next to you as your hand stroked his fur. The night was everything you could have imagined, and much more. You had regained a memory between you and Chris, and you did everything you could to remake the memory happen again; and you weren't disappointed. Chris was an amazing kisser, by far the best you had ever had, including Sebastian. Sebastian was wonderful and all, his mouth did amazing things, but it was as if Chris' lips were destined for you.

The next morning you woke up rather early and after doing your morning business, you headed out into the kitchen. You passed by the guest room Chris was staying in and noticed it was still closed; that, and there was no breakfast smell lingering from the kitchen. For once, you had woken up before him.

You fed Dodger some breakfast and let him outside to go potty before starting breakfast of your own. Looking through the fridge, you settled on something that you had not had in a very long time. Usually breakfast consisted of pancakes and bacon, or waffles and bacon, but not today.

Grabbing everything you needed out of the fridge and cupboards, you began to get to work on breakfast. You even found an apron that you just had to wear; it was red, white and blue and said 'Yes, I'm dating Captain America!'

You started on the muffins first, as you knew it would take the longest the make. Once those we nearly done you checked the clock and noticed Chris would more than likely be getting up soon so you started on the omelettes.

The music was playing softly in the background, along with the whir of the range hood fan as you began to cut up the ham and peppers, your hips swaying to the music as you sang quietly to the music. Hands wrapped around your torso and you froze, dropping your knife as it clattered on the marble countertop.

The arms around you immediately let go of you as you heard Chris curse from behind you. "Fuck, damnit Erica I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to startle you." You let out the breath you were holding and you slowly turned around to face Chris. "It's just habit. For a minute, walking in here and seeing you cooking breakfast, I just forgot everything. It seemed so normal."

You cupped his cheek, your hands scratching his beard as his eyes closed. "Chris, it's fine alright? I was just caught off guard for a minute. I don't mind, really." You gave him a smile, reaching on your tip-toes to give him a kiss on his cheek.

"Well, it smells delicious. What are you making?"

"I have blueberry muffins in the oven and I'm making some ham and pepper omelettes. No offence, I was just getting tired of pancakes and bacon every morning," you confessed with a giggle. "Also," you began to say as you turned to face Chris who was now sitting in your usual spot on the stool, "where did I get this apron because it is amazing!"

His gaze glanced downwards and took in your apron, a chuckle coming from his lips. "Sebastian's girlfriend Margarita. In fact, she had them hand-made and she has her own that says 'Yes, I'm dating the Winter Soldier!' Here, I think I even have a picture of the two of you wearing them." Chris pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his gallery, his face lighting up at the picture. You leaned across the counter as he handed you his phone. Sure enough, there was you and Margarita in your matching aprons; yours was red, white and blue while hers was black, red and gray. Margarita was absolutely beautiful. She had light brown hair at the top of her head, which then faded to a dark blonde; her hair naturally full with curls. The two of you had giant smiles on your faces while showing off your aprons.

"She's really pretty," you declared while handing back the phone to Chris. Deep in your gut, it hurt to see who Sebastian was dating because you were still in the time frame of you dating him. But you had to move on and realize you were with Chris.

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