Chapter 7

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The car ride back to the house was eerily quiet; neither you nor Chris wanting to talk much. To be honest, it was actually kind of nice. It seemed as if Chris knew to give you some time to cool off and not badger you right away with questions. It was like he really knew you. Instantly you kicked yourself, of course he knew you; the two of you had been dating for a little over two years.

Opening the door to the house all you wanted to do was see Dodger as he always seemed to calm your nerves. He came rushing up to you and Chris and you bent down immediately, letting him give you kisses as you scratched behind his ear. A smile grew wide on your face as you took in just how happy Dodger was. "Yes, you're a good boy. Yes you are! Yes you are!" you spoke in a pitchy voice.

Peering your eyes over Dodger's head, you saw Chris open the fridge, his eyes scanning for something to eat or drink. He must have sensed a pair of eyes on him as he turned to face you, a half grin tugging at his lips. "Do you want anything to drink?"

In the years you had known Chris while dating Sebastian, you always thought he was a good looking guy, that any girl would be lucky to have him as he respected women in such a way. But right now, as the kitchen was dim and his body was lit up from the kitchen light, he was more than just handsome. His body was well-formed, and he was overall very pleasing to look at.

Breaking from your thoughts, you cleared your throat. "Got any wine?"

With a nod of his head he closed the fridge door and went to the small wine fridge that was hidden under the kitchen counter. "Red or white?" You thought about it for a minute, suddenly pausing and becoming completely still. "Erica are you okay?" Chris' voice brought you back to reality.

"Umm, yeah, I think," you said with a slight shiver. "It's-it's just that, I never drank wine. I don't even know why I asked to have some wine. I usually would just have a beer here or there, but never wine."

Chris' face soothed when he understood you were alright. He smiled widely as he grabbed a bottle of wine and two glasses. He uncorked the wine and began to pour a glass for you as you sat down on the stool at the kitchen island, watching him intently. He poured himself a glass and held it up to you, a gentle giggle evading your mouth as you clinked your glass with his.

Taking a sip, you hummed in content as the cool liquid washed down your throat; it tasted delicious. "I guess you could say I introduced you to wine," Chris admitted.

Your eyebrows rose as he uttered his words. "Really?" you asked in surprise.

The smile that broke across his face made your face heat up with blush as your heart rate began to accelerate. "It was our first date. We were at an Italian restaurant and they didn't serve beer. Only wine. That was when you asked me for help because you said you never had wine before." He held up the bottle before setting it down in front of you. "This is the wine we had on our first date. We always make sure to have it stocked here for you. Wine is your go-to method of de-stressing, whether it was a stressful day at work, or if we get into a fight."

You perked up as he spoke, becoming more alert as a feeling nagged in the back of your mind. "Do-do we fight a lot?"

His face became sullen and he cast his gaze downwards. You had no idea what was going through his mind at this moment; no idea that he was thinking about the fight the two of you had that led you to storm out of the house, resulting in this accident and your memory loss; no idea that he felt guilty for all of it.

Reaching out, you grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently. "Chris?" you called his name as his gaze snapped up to meet yours.

"Sorry. Umm, I mean we fight like normal couples do. But we always make up afterwards." You listened to him intently but something felt off with him.

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