Chapter 16

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The next three days had been nothing short of pure bliss as Chris showed you around Disneyworld. Park after park, your smile never faltered as Chris had been so delighted in showing you around. He was like a kid in a candy store and you were loving every minute of it.

Chris was such a natural at showing you around and you joked that Disneyworld was pretty much his second home; he didn't argue with that. Your heart swelled with each smile he gave you. That day on the beach really put into perspective just how much he loved you. You could tell that he wanted to say it to you, but he was holding back, until you were ready; and it made you sad. Chris was such a big hearted guy, so fun loving and you didn't want to deter his feelings; you wanted him to let them out, even if you weren't ready to say it back just yet.

"So, your birthday is coming up soon," Chris spoke from next to you on the plane. You were heading back to California after four wonderful days in Florida, and you weren't ready. Turning to face him, you smiled. "What did you want to do?"

Shrugging, you pulled your leg up onto the seat. "I don't know. Doesn't matter really." There was sadness in your voice as your mind drifted to your mother. Usually, the two of you would spend your birthday together. She didn't live too far away, just 80 miles away in Philadelphia, where you grew up. She would come to visit you in New York City and the two of you would go out to your favorite restaurant, and then she would spoil you with a day of shopping. The night would end with you, your mother, and Sebastian eating ice cream while watching a movie at the apartment. You weren't even aware that you had begun to sniffle as tears swelled in your eyes. "Hey," Chris wrapped you in his arms, pulling you close. "Why are you crying?"

Shaking your head, you wiped your tears from your eyes. "It's-it's just mom and I always spend my birthday together. Just her and I. I mean, that's what I'm used to anyways." Chris' arms tightened around you and you heard him sigh in frustration.

"Shit Erica, I'm sorry for bringing it up. I didn't even think about that."

"It's not your fault Chris. This was back when I was dating Sebastian, so you didn't know about stuff like that. I just know there is something you aren't telling me about her death. I get that you want to protect me, and so does Sebastian, but I have to know Chris. I want to know everything that happened with her. Every last detail."

Chris' eyes softened as he took in your face. Your eyes were red and puffy, your cheeks wet from your tears. He let out a deep breath as his eyes never faltered from yours. "I will. I will tell you. I promise sweetheart. If you don't get your memories back by your birthday of what happened to her, I will tell you everything." You nodded your head to him as more tears began to fall form your eyes. Chris wrapped his arm around you and pulled you safely into his side to comfort you.


After picking up Dodger from one of Chris' friends, the two of you made it back to the house right as the sun began to set. Lugging your luggage to the room, you began to unpack your suitcase as your phone rang. Looking at the screen, a smile broke out across your face as you answered.

"Sebby!" you squealed as you opened the glass doors of the bedroom and headed out onto the deck.

"Hey sweetheart. How are you doing?" Sebastian asked and you could pretty much hear the smile behind his voice.

"I'm alright. Just got back from Florida with Chris. He surprised me with a trip to Disneyworld."

"Well that was really nice of him."

"Yeah," you sighed softly.

"Alright, what's wrong?"

"Ugh, how is it that you know everything?"

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