Chapter 28

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As you shut the door to Sebastian's apartment, you rushed down the steps, two at a time, and out into the city streets. Taking a deep breath to clear the fuzz from your head, you began walking briskly towards your hotel; afraid Chris would be storming after you.

The streets were flooded with people as you kept peering behind you to see if Chris was following you or not. Tears streaked your face as people kept giving you concerned looks as you passed by quickly.

Making it to your hotel in record time, you rushed into the elevator and let out a deep breath as it raced to your floor.

With each memory from the past few years flooding your brain, it was bringing on one massive headache; yet you still couldn't figure out one thing; why you would break up with Sebastian. He was there for you, for everything, and never once did he blame you for losing your unborn baby. No matter how hard you thought about it, it just didn't make sense to you.

Sebastian was always good to you, and the two of you hardly ever fought. Yet, in the toughest time of your life, you just up and dumped him. It was breaking your heart all over again. You were beginning to wonder if it had all been a big mistake; that you weren't in your right mind at the time when you broke up with him.

You had to admit, that each and every time you saw Sebastian, your heart picked up a beat and your stomach did a flip. There wasn't a doubt in your mind that you still loved would always love him, but were you still IN love with him?

There was a quick knock on the door and your head snapped up. It couldn't possibly be Chris because he would have his own key to the room.

"Erica open up sweetie. It's just me, Margie." You let out a relieved sigh as you wiped the snot from your nose with the back of your hand. The knocking persisted. "Erica please open the door."

Getting off the bed, you slowly wobbled to the door and unlatched it. Your eyes stung from the constant tears as you looked into her worried face. "What have I done Margie?"

Margarita moved swiftly, catching you in her arms as the door to the hotel room shut and the two of you slumped onto the floor. "Shhh, it will all be alright Erica," she cooed as she held you tightly in her arms.

Your body began to shake from all the sadness and guilt that became a sudden onslaught. After all these weeks of wanting to remember your memories, you abruptly wished you hadn't remembered anything. "It hurts so much," you cried in your best friends' arms as she rocked you back and forth, doing her best to comfort you.

"I know Erica," she responded with such calmness. "You've been through this before sweetie. And I have no doubt in my mind that you can do it again. This time you have me...and I'm not going anywhere."

The solace you felt in her arms was enough to ease the tension in your body; but not the pain in your mind. Your thoughts still swam to Sebastian and wondering what life would be like if you were still with him; all while his current girlfriend consoled you. You felt guilty, but wanted more answers from Sebastian, no matter what the cost was.

"I think I broke up with Chris," you croaked out.

A soft chuckle came from Margie. "I think you were being erratic. I don't think you meant it and I'm certain Chris didn't think you were being serious." Your throat was parched from crying so much; your eyelids heavy. Margarita helped you onto the bed and placed the covers over your body. "Do you want me to stay with you?" Weakly you nodded your head as you felt the bed dip behind you. She placed her arm around your torso and cuddled you from behind. You loved being the little spoon.


Getting nearly no sleep all night with your mind racing, you deemed it was a good enough time to wake up at 8am. Checking your phone, you saw that it was dead after forgetting to plug it into the charger overnight. Margie was still asleep behind you as you quietly got out of bed.

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