Chapter 14

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Setting your alarm for 6 a.m, you were up, showered, and ready to go by 7. You put on a pair of jean shorts and a tank top that had the word 'Disney' written over the front. With your hair still damn, you combed it back into a high ponytail. Hell, you couldn't help that you were so excited for today. Opening the door to your bedroom you saw Chris was already awake, sitting at the small table with an array of fruits.

"Morning," Chris spoke, his voice a little groggy and you let out a giggle.

"Morning yourself. Tired still?"

Chris shrugged, placing a grape into his mouth, wiping his hand on a napkin. "A little but I was just too excited to sleep last night. How about you?"

"Oh I'm not tired anymore. I'm already set to go!" Looking at the array of fresh fruit, you scooped some watermelon, grapes, and kiwi onto your plate and began to eat. Chris poured you a cup of orange juice, setting it down in front of you and you smiled.

Chris smiled back, taking longing glances at you while you ate; his own plate of fruit in front of him. Before long, he placed a box in front of you. With raised eyebrows, you opened the box and nearly shrieked. Inside were two gray Disney Fast Pass Bracelets, one with Chris' name, the other with your name on it.

You grabbed yours out of the box, placing it on your wrist at once before handing Chris' over to him. "Where to first?"

Chris smiled, the crinkles near his eyes evident. "I thought we could start with someplace neither of us have been to yet." You watched him with bated breath as he took a sip of coffee, wondering what he was going to surprise you with today. "The Wizarding World of Harry Potter."

"GET OUT!" you jumped from your chair, running over to hug him. "Are you serious? We are really going to Harry Potter World?"

Chris laughed, a whole hearted body shaking laugh as he wrapped his arms around you. "Yes I'm serious. I've been dying to go but it's been so crowded and busy and we've never had the time to do it during their slower season. And now that there is no spring break going on, and it's the middle of the week, I figured it was the best time."


The two of you made your way through the entrance of Universal Studios and the smile never left your face. Chris laced his hand with yours and you turned to face him; your smile beaming. The smell of fried food assaulted your nostrils in the best way. You squeezed Chris' hand as another smell invaded your senses. "Can we get cotton candy???" you questioned with raised brows, feeling like a little kid again.

His head tilted backwards as he barked out a laugh. "YES! How could we not?? It's the best part of going to any kind of park."

Walking through the theme park, your hand linked with Chris', you scanned the crowd and listened to everything that was going on, hoping to remember something. There were children's squeals as they rode the rides; families taking pictures left and right. Even though this was Universal Studios and not Disney, it was still magical.

First thing first, you had to get your wands. The two of you made your way to Olivanders and you were relieved to see the park wasn't nearly as busy as you had guessed it to be. Sure, it was early in the morning, during the middle of the week, and most Spring Breaks had just ended, but you were still worried there would be a lot more people here.

You had decided to get a replica of Nymphadora Tonk's wand and Chris got a replica of Harry Potter's. As much as you wanted to stay and watch the live show of the wand choosing ceremony, you both knew it would be best to just keep to yourselves and not draw any attention.

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