Chapter 20

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"Sebastian?" his name fell from your lips with a falter as you couldn't believe he was actually here right now. He gave you no notice whatsoever that he would be coming, especially seeing as you just found out last night about the BBQ.

You jumped into his arms, immediately feeling awful for the way the two of you left things when he went back to NYC. "Hi sweetie," he whispered softly in your ear as his strong arms held you close to his muscled body. You were feeling indifferent in this moment. It was Chris who you were dating, and you were loving every minute you spent with him, but Sebastian is what you knew, what you were used to, who your memories were used to being with.

"It's so good to see you," you spoke into his neck. The two of you continued your embrace for another minute before pulling away. It was then that you noticed a woman standing behind Seb. She had dirty blonde wavy hair as she stared at you with a smile. It was Seb's girlfriend Margarita.

"Hi babe," she stated playfully, pulling you into a hug. You wanted to be jealous, to be mad that you were hugging your ex's girlfriend, but you didn't feel any of that. Instead, you felt warmth and friendship in her arms. Your shoulders slumped in relief as you let out a shaky laugh. "How are you holding up?" she asked, staring straight into your eyes.

In that moment, a few flashes of memories appeared to you; the two of you shopping together, having lunch in NYC, always laughing and always smiling. Another memory appeared, this one longer.

You and Margarita wore your matching pajamas the two of you had bought just yesterday as you lay across the large bed. It was a bed that you and Sebastian used to sleep in every night, but now, it was Margarita and Sebastian's bed, and it didn't bother you one bit. Chris and Seb were in the living room, playing video games.

The bed was filled with junk food as your stomach rolled with laughter at something Margarita had just said. Her hair was wild as her own head was tilted back, mouth agape from laughter. It was times like this that you cherished, being with your best friend.

"Oh my god! I almost forgot!" she shrieked, getting up from the bed and scouring through the large closet. Things began to fly out from the closet as you giggled from the mess she was making. When she returned, she was holding two small decorated paper bags in hand. Peeking into them, she put one down in front of you; a grin on her face.

"What's this?" you asked confused.

Margarita shrugged, "Open it!!"

You beamed at her as you tore into the paper on top before pulling out what looked like some article of clothing, rolled up. Unrolling it, you burst out laughing as tears sprung to your eyes. It was a red, white and blue apron, dotted with stars that said 'Yes, I'm Dating Captain America'."

"No fucking way! Where did you find this? It's so perfect!!!!" you squealed in delight as you went to stand, placing the apron around your neck and tying it behind your back.

"I had them made special on Etsy," came her reply as she watched you with a smile.

Your brows scrunched. "Them? What did you have them make more than one?" She giggled, shaking her head before grabbing her own bag and showing you what was in hers.

She had a matching apron, except hers was black and silver with a large red circle in the middle; the words 'Yes, I'm Dating The Winter Soldier' in white decorated the front.

Once that memory hit you, it was like a flood gate opened as flashes of memories and images came pouring into your mind; all involving you and Margarita. From the moment you met her, to the last time you spoke to her, just a week before your accident.

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