Chapter 4

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Sebastian stayed behind in the kitchen while Chris showed you around the house; he let you know he would be there if you needed his support. The house overall was absolutely charming. It was a rambler style house, just without the basement; one floor and it seemed to stretch on for forever.

After walking through the front door, there was a proper sitting room with cream colored leather couches. The entire back house was covered in floor to ceiling windows or doors; the view miraculous as the house was high up in the cliffs. The kitchen had dark wood cabinets with off white and grey marble counter tops. Everything was modern, sleek, but felt comfortable. It seemed weird to feel this way, but you felt suddenly at home.

There were a few guest rooms that Chris showed you to, before finally bringing you to his room, or, at least the room the two of you shared. On one wall sat a large king bed with a simple headboard, while the opposite wall was floor to ceiling windows, and one large glass door. It was breathtaking, your lips parting as you walked up to the windows, taking in the gorgeous views.

"Wow," you breathed out, not knowing you could see such beauty in nature before. Looking out the window, you noticed there was a long deck the reached nearly the entire length of the house; chairs and lounges spread out here and there. Your hand found the latch of the door as you gently pushed it open; a soft breeze hitting your face.

Casually, you took a step onto the porch, breathing in the fresh air before finding a lounge chair to sit down on. It was really different here in Los Angeles; a complete 180 from New York City. Back in New York, there were people everywhere, tall buildings, cars honking, but not here. It was quiet up in the hills, even though you could see some of the neighboring houses. The landscape, trees and bushes, helped to mask some of the houses. It smelt clean and fresh as you continued taking deep breaths, enjoying this moment before you had to get back to reality.

You were unsure of how long you were sitting there before someone cleared their throat. Opening your eyes, you saw Chris sit down on the chair across from you. "How are you doing?"

Your lip tugged at the side, your shoulder shrugging up. "I'm managing. I want my memories back Chris. I want my life back. I don't want to have a three year gap in my memories. But accidents happen."

"Hey," Chris spoke peacefully, his hand placed on your knee, "we'll get through this. I'll help you in any wat that I can. Sebastian too." One would think it weird for someone to place their hand on your knee, but not you, and not with Chris. He wasn't some stranger. Sebastian introduced you to him while filming Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Chris was a great guy. While you thought he was always attractive, you had never pictured yourself actually dating him. That was Seb's position in your life; to stand by your side, to be your rock, your protector. "Are you tired? Do you want to lie down?"

You looked at Chris. His eyes were so blue; you had never seen such blue eyes before. His face was sharp, his jaw hidden from his beard. You had never seen him with a beard before and you had to admit, it was really attractive on him. "No. I'm not ready to go to sleep. I am kinda hungry through," you gave a light chuckle as you patted your stomach. It had been rumbling for quite some time; the hospital food was good, but wasn't quite cutting your appetite.

Chris smiled, a genuine heartfelt smile as he nodded his head. "Alright. Let's go find something we can order in."


After the three of you finished eating pizza, you all sat around in the living room, relaxing. Chris and Sebastian were talking, reminiscing on stories as you quietly sat back and listened.

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