Chapter 26

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"Damnit she's not answering," Margarita sighed as she hung up her phone.

"Straight to voicemail," Sebastian quipped, setting his phone down on the kitchen table before heaving out a long sigh. "I fucking knew this would happen. I had this fucking nagging feeling that we shouldn't have held out on this information; that we should have just told her flat out."

Margarita came over, hugging Sebastian from behind as she lay her head on his back. "I know Sebby but the doctor said it was best if she tried to remember herself."

"Whether we told her ourselves, or she remembered it herself, I knew she would react the way she did. I mean fuck, she has every right to. Her mom was murdered all the while she was on the phone, listening to it happen," Chris responded dejectedly. "I'm worried about what's going to happen to her."

The three of them stood there in the kitchen, faces sullen. "Where do you think she went?"

Sebastian pondered Margarita's question for a minute. "I know where she is."


Two shots later, you were now nursing your beer, playing with the label on the bottle as your mind processed everything.

One Month After Your Mothers' Death

After her funeral, you spent the majority of your time locked up in the bedroom, sleeping, crying or both. Sebastian tried to get you out of the apartment, but it was no use. It was all your fault that she was dead; all because you were running late. As someone as anal as you for being on time, the one time you were late, it ended in tragedy.

It was also plainly clear that you had become paranoid. Losing your mother to a random act of violence really triggered something deep inside of you. You were constantly checking, and re-checking to make sure all the doors and windows were locked. If Sebastian had to leave the apartment on business, you were always checking in on him; calling, texting, making sure he was alright. You hated being alone; just knowing Sebastian was safely in the apartment somewhere made everything better for you. Deep down, you were losing sense with reality.

The door to the bedroom opened and the bed dipped behind you. "Babe you've got to get out of here. Lets go and get something to eat, or go to the park, get some fresh air."

"No," came your quick reply, your hands wiping at your fallen tears.

"Erica please. You haven't left the bedroom in three days and you've barely eaten anything. It's not good for the baby." Your hand rubbed your belly, even though it wasn't swollen as you weren't far enough along yet. Sebastian was right, it wasn't good for the baby that you had not gotten fresh air, and weren't eating much the last few days.

"I'm tired," you whispered as you felt your eyes grow heavy.

"Alright," he replied, tucking your hair behind your ear. "Take a nap and I'll have some food ready for you when you wake up." You simply nodded, letting your eyes close and drift to sleep.

It wasn't a peaceful nap, that was for sure. Memories plagued you, of your mother screaming and her shallow breathing before taking her final breath. It had been that way for the last month, each time you tried to get some sleep.

You awoke from your nap with a sharp pain in your stomach. It felt like the most severe cramps you could have imagined; nausea creeping up on you. Throwing the covers over your legs, you stared down in horror as the sheet was covered in blood. With your heart racing you scrambled off the bed; your knees giving out on you as you tumbled to the floor with a thud.

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