Chapter 21

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The following morning you felt refreshed, with a new found confidence lingering deep within you. If it had not been for Dodger last night, there was a very good chance that you and Chris would have had sex, and you were damn ready for it.

Last night before leaving Robert's BBQ, Sebastian offered for the four of you to go out for breakfast before he and Margarita had to leave later this evening for their flight back to New York. It was an idea you definitely didn't want to say no to, especially getting your memories back about Margarita. It would be good to spend the day with them and you were looking forward to it.

Throwing your hair in a loose bun, you hopped in the shower to quickly wash down your body and shave; not wanting to deal with having to blow dry your hair this morning. You moaned as the sweet smell of your body wash as you scrubbed away delicately at your body.

Grabbing a towel, you wrapped it around yourself before cleaning off the foggy mirror. You opened the door a crack to let the fog in the room diminish; the overhead fans never clearing it out fast enough for you. Your hand went to grab your green electric toothbrush right as Chris opened the door to the bathroom. He stilled, seeing you standing there in only a towel before turning around and averting his eyes; you thought it was adorable.

"Shit Erica I'm sorry, I didn't think...I mean I know you's just that I thought you were dressed," he stuttered out, his back to you.

Trying to hold back your smile, you failed at how flustered he was. There was no reason for him to be flustered like that because you were damn sure he had seen you naked more than enough times to count; even if you couldn't remember it. "Chris, turn around," you declared, trying to keep your face neutral.

Chris slowly turned, keeping his eyes to the floor and you burst out laughing. His brows furrowed as his eyes glanced upwards to meet your laughing, bent over frame. "What's so funny?"

"You!!! You are being hilarious right now." You walked towards him and cupped his face, bringing it down so you could plant a kiss to his lips. They were soft, so dreamy and soft as you took his lower full lip between your teeth and gave it a nibble. The kiss soon turned heated and you became aroused, very suddenly. His kisses were intoxicating and you realized he was your drug.

Chris gripped your hips, walking you backwards as your backside hit the bathroom counter. Your hands were wrapped in his hair, never wanting to let him go. His hands trailed up and down your arms as you felt his growing erection against your core and on instinct, you bucked your hips into him earning a growl from Chris. You loved hearing that noise as you bucked your hips into him again. This time, Chris grabbed your waist and hoisted you onto the counter in one swift motion.

Your lips parted from his and you were left staring into lust filled eyes; chest heaving. His lips were at your neck, alternating between soft kisses and sweet nibbles and your moan echoed throughout the room. Your head tilted back, hitting the mirror as a jolt of arousal came at your core when he sucked onto your sweet spot, just below your ear.

"Fuck I want to taste all of you," he rasped as he began to lick his way across your neck and to the other side. At this point, you wanted him to taste you to as his now fully hard cock kept hitting your cunt, your inner monologue begging for mercy.

With your hands at the seams of your towel, you let it fall from your chest, leaving you open and bare to him. His eyes were nearly black now, no sight of his blue orbs as he took in your naked body. Your chest was heaving; your nipples pert and ready for him to suck on. He gave you an apprehensive look and you nodded at him, letting him know you wanted it.

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