Chapter 18

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The following week had passed in a blur as you and Chris continued living life as normally as possible. After the night of drinking however, it seemed as though there was so much sexual tension between you two, and you knew just why. That night had been amazing, even though Chris was rather annoying the morning after. He kept asking you, reassuring if you were alright with what happened, making sure you didn't regret it. You finally had to slam his lips to yours in a fiery kiss for him to shut up about it. No, the answer was no every time he asked. There was not one ounce of regret that night.

You had also regained a couple of memories over the last week too, and you were happy about those. One in particular made you laugh with such delight.

It was supposed to rain later in the day so you and Chris decided to take Dodger to the dog park so he could let out his energy.

The swing sets and slides were filled with kids playing while their parents simultaneously watched their children and dogs. Taking Dodger off the leash, he rushed forward with such speed you had never seen before. "Damn Dodger," you chuckled lightly as his fluffy white tail wagged back and forth.

Chris let out a loud laugh when he realized why Dodger was so excited. "His girlfriend is here."

Your head snapped so fast to the right that you thought for sure you got whip lash. "I'm sorry, what? His girlfriend? When did this happen?"

"Last week while you were in NYC visiting Seb and Margarita." Chris pointed to the black Labrador retriever that was running around with Dodger. "Her name is Daisy and Dodger is in love with her." The smile that graced Chris' lips melted your heart as you turned to watch Dodger frolicking with his friend.

They were both chasing after a ball when Daisy went to grab it and missed it. Dodger flipped over her as both dogs wiggled on the ground. Dodger then did something that not only made your heart swell, but also made you cry out laughing; he began to kiss the dog on her nose! It was the absolute sweetest thing you had ever witnessed and you were filled with joy to see Dodger so happy.

Your feelings for Chris had started to deepen over the last week as well. Spending nearly every waking minute with him, he really took his time to answer any and all questions for you. Chris even encouraged you to get back onto your social media and scroll through some of it. You knew you didn't have Twitter, as you never saw the app on your phone, but you did have an Instagram.

As you pulled up the app on your phone, you nestled into Chris' side on the couch as Dodger snored loudly from his doggie bed on the floor. The most recent picture was one of you and Dodger, just a few days before your accident. Dodger was licking you as your face was scrunched up from his assault. You couldn't contain the laugh that left your lips at that picture. As you began to scroll down, you noticed there wasn't any of you and Chris together. Frowning, you looked up at him.

"Does the public know about us? About our relationship?"

Chris leaned forward and placed a soft kiss to your forehead; your eyes closing in content as you let out a soft hum. Upon opening your eyes, you saw Chris smiling down at you. "We kept our relationship out of the public for close to a year, but yes, the public does know about us. Why do you ask?"

Turning back to look at your Instagram, you shrugged your shoulders. "I just don't see any pictures of us on here, so I thought maybe people didn't know about us yet."

Chris wrapped an arm around you and pulled you into a hug. "You chose not to put any photos of us on your Instagram. All of your social media platforms are private and even though I insisted that you could post pictures of us if you wanted to, you decided not to because you wanted to keep our private life private." His words sunk in and you nodded in understanding.

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