Chapter 3

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Once the three men walked out of your hospital room and closed the door, you let the dam of tears break through the floodgate as everything from the last hour caught up to you. It was in fact, not 2015 like you thought. You were not currently, nor living in New York City with Sebastian. Which marks the question as to why you left Sebastian in New York to live in Los Angeles? And to top everything off, your mom passed away. So many questions swirled around your head that you felt dizzy.

A nurse came in to check your vitals and showed you where the switch was for the pain medication if you needed any. She also set down a tray of food for you and a glass with water. Once she left, you hesitantly opened the lid to the food tray and were pleasantly surprised by how good it smelled. There was mashed potatoes, corn, a cup of jello, and a chicken breast. Your stomach began to grumble at the smell of the food and you eagerly dug in, feeling absolutely famished from the events of the day.

Just as you were finishing your dinner, the door to the room opened and Chris and Sebastian walked inside. They occupied their same chairs as before. The room began to feel stuffy, and thick with tension so you spoke up. "Um, can someone open the window please?" Chris let a weak smile appear on his lips as he got up and opened the window. You were taken aback by how beautiful it looked outside. The sun was out, although it was growing close to dusk. But there was so much green! You weren't used to that much greenery, unless you went to Central Park.

You looked between the guys as that same feeling of dread washed through you. It was evident why Sebastian was here, seeing as the two of you had been dating for years. But it still confused you as to why Chris was here, and why you were living in Los Angeles.

"So Dr. Hughes said you could leave the hospital tomorrow," Sebastian spoke up, breaking through everyone's thoughts and the thick tension radiating throughout the room.

"Well that's a relief. I'm ready to rip this thing out of my arm and leave right now," you remarked. "So, do I get any answers now?" you added with a frown.

"Yeah, sure Erica. Umm, what questions did you want answered?" Sebastian asked skeptically.

"All of them. How did my mother die? Why am I living in Los Angeles and not New York? Are you still living in New York? Why is Chris here?"

"Your mom," Seb began to say, "she uh, she was...."

"It was an accident Erica. Your mom was in the wrong place at the wrong time," Chris spoke up as he looked at Sebastian. Sebastian gave him a nod, silently thanking him for the help.

"An accident? Like mine? Was it a car accident?"

"Yeah, it was a car accident. Hit and run. But they found the person responsible." There was something about the way Chris and Seb were acting that seemed off. Like they were lying. But you were tired, and your injuries were flaring up with pain and you didn't want to fight about it right now. You made a mental note to ask again about her later.

"Alright then. Why am I here in Los Angeles and are you living here with me?" you asked while looking straight into Seb's eyes.

He let out a sigh, bowing his head and shaking it back and forth before answering you. "You live here because you moved here in February 2016. And I still live in New York."

The heart monitor began to beep a little faster than normal as your heart rate kicked up a notch. "Ok, but why would I move here and be that far away from you?"

"Because of me," Chris spoke, his eyes distant as he stared off into the empty part of the room. You turned to face him, scrunching up your brows. "Erica, you and I are dating."

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