Chapter 15

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The following morning you and Chris both slept in, deciding the previous night to do so. You wouldn't end up going to any Disneyworld park today as Chris had a different idea. As you rolled over on the bed, you lay there looking at the ceiling. Your dream, no memory, had really gotten to you last night and it was hard for you to fall back asleep. Being with Chris like that, even if it was just a memory, really put into perspective how everything was between you two. In the memory, he was gentle with you, caring, yet giving you the best pleasure you had ever received.

Getting out of bed and into the shower, you had decided not to mention this particular memory to Chris; thinking it would be too embarrassing at this point for you. After you dressed you walked into the main area of the hotel to see Chris sitting at the small table.

"Good morning," he expressed with a smile as you sat down.

You smiled back, nodding at him. "Morning yourself." You looked at the array of fruits at the table before grabbing a wedge of watermelon. Biting into the watermelon, you closed your eyes and moaned as the fresh juice washed down your throat. Upon opening your eyes, you saw Chris staring back at you with one eyebrow raised. "What?" you asked sheepishly as the blush crept from your neck and up to your cheeks, heating your face.

He shrugged, rose his eyebrows and shook his head. "Nothing," he replied with a slight chuckle.

The two of you ate the rest of your breakfast in silence; Chris looking at his phone as you were sure he was reading emails from his manager. Many times, silence between two people could be rather deafening and awkward, and you were grateful it wasn't that way with Chris.

"So, what's on the agenda for today?" you asked in curiosity.

Chris placed his cup down, never taking his eyes off yours. "Well," he began to say, "I was thinking we could go to the beach."

Your eyebrows rose at his words; the beach sounded wonderful right now. "I'm liking where this is going!"

Once finished with breakfast, you headed back to your room and changed into your bathing suit. You had still felt a bit insecure wearing a bikini around Chris and showing that much skin, so you packed a few one-piece bathing suits. Scrounging around your luggage, you decided on a retro style, 1950's black suit with white polka dots. It reminded you of a Marilyn Monroe era time and you absolutely adored it.

With your bathing suit on, you grabbed your white cotton swimsuit cover up and placed it over your body before slipping on a pair of floral flip flops. Making your way back into the living room, you saw Chris there waiting for you; a bottle of sunscreen in his hands. You couldn't help but laugh. He knew that even though you had a slight tan on your body, you still preferred to be protected from the sun; he was always looking out for you.

"Which beach are we going to?" you asked Chris as he drove the rental car down the road.

"Siesta Keys. And I hope you don't mind. It's almost a two hour drive," Chris answered, turning to face you.

"No. Not at all. We've got all the time in the world anyways, right?"

Chris turned his head to face you, giving you a wink and a smile. God you loved his smile. His dazzling perfect teeth, mixed with his beard sent tingles down your spine and warmth to your core; the memory in your dream last night not helping the situation as you clenched your thighs closed.

You asked him how his family was doing and you listened with enthusiasm, loving how excited he got while talking about his nieces and nephews, Miles in particular. He was so adamant in the way he talked, using his hands and his smile growing wide. It was easy to tell he loved his family so much, and that was something very important to you too, because you didn't have any family left. And even when your mother was alive, you had no one. Your father bailing out on your mom right after you were born, your grandparents died when you were young, and your mother was an only child, so no aunts, uncles or cousins.

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