Chapter 9

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The following morning was like all the rest. Chris made breakfast while you showered. The two of you ate before taking Dodger on a walk or to the dog park. It felt refreshing having everything repeating each day, but you still hadn't had a new memory since the whole 'wine' incident and you were starting to become frustrated with yourself.

You were sitting on the couch, your laptop on your lap as your hands hovered over the keyboard. It was giving you anxiety just thinking about logging into your social media accounts and googling your relationship with Chris. By now, you would give anything to have some memories back, even if it meant going as low as reading gossips sights.

Chris came and sat down next to you, a sly smile on his face as you turned to look at him. "What's gotten you in such a good mood?" you questioned with a grin.

"I have a couple of errands to run. But I need you to be ready by 7 o'clock tonight."

Your brows furrowed in wonder. "And what do I need to be ready for?"

"I'm taking you on a date."

You couldn't help the smile that pulled at your lips. Giving him a nod, you asked, "an adventure date, or a food date?"

Naturally your question caused Chris to rifle out a laughter. "Food. It's a food date."

"And on a scale of 1 to 10, how fancy is this food date?"

Chris pondered a minute, his head going from side to side. "I'd say about a 7."

You smiled, nodding back. "It's a date." He gave you a soft kiss on your forehead and those same tingles you always experienced when he touched you came coursing through your body. Watching him walk away, you had to hold back your happy dance you wanted to do. Of course it wouldn't be your first real date with him, but to you, it felt like a first date.


Later that afternoon as Chris was still out running errands, Sebastian had finally texted you. He knew you were mad at him and he was giving you some space to cool off; it's just the way you had always been.

Seb: I'm sorry

Erica: Are you now?

Seb: You know I am.

Erica: I'm just frustrated right now Seb. I finally recall a memory and you just flat out tell me to drop it. I thought you wanted to help me with my memories?

Seb: I do sweetie, I do trust me. It's just that it was a really bad memory for you to remember. I was kind of taken aback by it when you brought it up. It was a really dark time between us and I just wasn't ready to talk about it.

You re-read his text again, Chris' words also echoing through your mind. Both of them explaining that it was a hard time without your relationship. With a sigh, you texted back.

Erica: I get it Seb. It's alright. Just please, once I get more memories and I ask for your help, please don't push me away.

Seb: I won't. I promise.

Just as you were about to set your phone down, you decided to hold onto it. You had forgone not going through your phone, looking at pictures and your social media because you weren't ready for all of that yet. You just wanted to settle into somewhat of a normal as possible routine. But now here you were, sitting down, phone in hand.

Taking a deep breath, you opened up your gallery and began scrolling up to the year of 2015; you weren't ready to see anything after that just yet. There were many pictures of you and Sebastian together in your apartment in NYC. You kept swiping through the photos, many of them you remembered as it was a time before your memories became fuzzy.

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