Chapter 6

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After getting back from taking Dodger to the dog park, the three of you decided to spend some time out in the pool and enjoy the sunshine. Chris showed you where you kept your swimsuits and you gave him a soft smile as he left you to it.

You shuffled through the entire drawer of suits, a light blush creeping up onto your face as you saw how small some of the bikinis were. You were about ready to give up until you found a retro 1950's styled one-piece. It wasn't like you were self-conscious with your body, it was the fact that you would be around Chris and Sebastian. Sebastian who, even though you dated for years, you two were now broken up, and Chris, even though you two were friends for a couple of year, were now dating and you couldn't remember any memory of it.

Putting on a pair of flip-flops and some sunglasses you opened the glass door of the master bedroom and walked down the porch until you saw the guys hanging by the pool. It was really a beautiful day out; the sun high in the sky with a few white fluffy clouds.

The guys turned to face you, both giving you a smile as you sat down next to the pool, letting your legs dangle in. "Mmmm, that feels nice," you declared as you swirled your legs around. You splayed your arms behind you, lifting your face to meet the sun in a welcoming way. "I didn't think I could ever leave New York." The pool smelt of chlorine as you let your head hang back, soaking up the sun.

Sebastian scoffed from the pool. "Me neither. When I found out you were moving out here to live with Chris, I was rather shocked."

"You were?" Sebastian nodded, taking a sip from his water bottle. "Yeah, I never thought you would leave New York, seeing as you grew up in New Jersey. It baffled me that you were moving to the other side of the country. But once I realized how perfect you and Chris were, I thought it was a great idea.

You blushed at his words, trying to hide the smile on your face. If Sebastian thought you and Chris were perfect for each other, then it must have been true. You dated Sebastian for over four years, and though you thought you would spend the rest of your life with him, things seemed to take a turn, and perhaps it was for the better.

At that moment, Dodger came racing out the door and dove into the pool, causing the three of you to laugh at the wet dog swimming around. Noticing some sunscreen next to the towels, you quickly sprayed yourself down, not wanting to get burnt from the sun as you watched the guys playing with Dodger.

Deciding to take the plunge, you dipped your entire body into the pool and began to swim around with Dodger. He seemed to love swimming and it brought a warm smile to your face. Just being around Dodger calmed your nerves; it was as if he was some sort of emotional comfort to you and you couldn't be more grateful.


The next two days followed similarly. The three of you ate breakfast before you and Chris went to take Dodger to the dog park. Once you returned, you all headed out for a swim in the pool which was followed by a light lunch. You watched television during the day while Chris and Sebastian either did workouts together, or were on the phone with their managers talking over some business. They both questioned if it was alright that they left you to yourself, but you told them it was fine. They had lives too, and rather big lives with their careers; you didn't want them to put that on hold. As long as they were willing to answer your questions and help you out with anything, you didn't mind one bit.

With Chris and Sebastian usually occupied after lunch, you spent your days with Dodger and you were alright with that. He usually hopped up on the couch next to you and kept you company while you watched television or movies. There was so much you missed!! Riverdale was television show you couldn't stop watching, binge watching the entire first season in a day and a half.

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