Chapter 5

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You jolted awake, your body coated in sweat as you heaved for a breath. Whatever dream you were having wasn't much of a dream, but more of a nightmare. Yet when you tried to focus on it, everything was a blur, the dream fuzzy. You sat in bed, taking deep breaths to calm your racing heart. The sun was shining through the drawn curtains and you looked to see that it was a little after 9 a.m. "Fuck," you murmured as you tore the covers off your warm body. Sleeping in late was nothing something you liked to do. Whether you were working or not, you liked to get up early. It made sense not sleeping the day away. Getting up early, you had the whole day ahead of you and more than enough time to get what you needed done.

Although you showered the night before, you were now sweaty from your dream, well, nightmare and took a quick shower; throwing your hair in a high top ponytail and just washing off your body. Drying off, you put on a fresh pair of underwear, leggings and a loose t-shirt. Before you went to open the door, you just now realized that Dodger wasn't in the room with you anymore. Chris must have got Dodger at some point in the early morning to let him go potty and feed him breakfast.

Opening the door, your nostrils were immediately assaulted with an amazing smell; breakfast. It smelt of bacon and pancakes, and your feet couldn't walk you faster to the kitchen as your stomach grumbled in delight.

As you neared the kitchen, you saw Chris standing at the stove while Sebastian was digging into a heaping plate of pancakes at the island table. The kitchen was truly beautiful with stainless steel appliances and a large kitchen island. There was also a double oven. It was a chef or bakers dream. A small smile broke across your face as you saw the two men. You leaned up on the wall, clearing your throat to let them know you were up.

"You're up late," Chris spoke.

"You're up early," Sebastian said at the exact same time as Chris. Your brows furrowed as you looked between the two men.

"Wait," you said holding your hand up. "Explain," you said pointing to Chris.

He flipped the pancakes in the pan before turning to face you. "You hate sleeping in," he said with a shrug. "You like to be up early and get things going around the house or running errands."

Your mind tried to scrambled and comprehend what he was saying. Turning to Sebastian, you asked the same thing, "explain please."

A sly smile broke across his lips. "You hate to get up early. You've always been a late sleeper."

It felt like a lightbulb went off in your head. "Aggh!!" you shrieked, startling everyone in the room, including Dodger. "I'm making progress!" Both Chris and Sebastian frowned at you, unclear of what you were talking about. "Ok, hear me out. When I woke up this morning, I saw that it was a little past 9 a.m., and I was mad because I thought I slept in too late!" They clearly weren't understanding what you were getting at. "If I still think it's June of 2015, wouldn't I think that getting up at 9 a.m would be a bit too early?" you questioned.

It seemed to finally click in the guys' head as they turned to look at each other; smiles breaking out on their faces. Sure, it was a small detail of your present life, but you would take anything at this point.

You sat down next to Sebastian as Chris placed a plate of pancakes and bacon in front of you. "Juice?"

"Please," you responded as you poured some syrup over the pancakes. The smell alone had you close to moaning, but you held back that bit. You began to cut into your pancakes as Chris put a glass of orange juice in front of you.

"So, Dr. Hughes said to keep things as normal as possible for the first few days. What did you want to do today Erica?" Sebastian asked as you chewed on your food. You nearly missed his question as you savored the taste of the food. Damn Chris can cook you thought to yourself mindlessly.

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