Chapter 12

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 "Hi there Erica. My name is Dr. Stevens, please have a seat," she motioned for you to take a seat in the chair across from her, rather large, desk. The walls were painted a neutral taupe color and Dr. Stevens had her diplomas and certifications posted in frames on the wall. She sat behind a large desk while you sat in a rather comfortable char across from her. There was also a light gray chaise lounge in the corner of the room.

You smiled politely while trying to not be intimidated at the same time. To say you were nervous would be a complete understatement. Last night you got little to no sleep at all as you tossed and turned, not knowing how to today would turn out.

As Chris drove you to the appointment, you began to suddenly be aware of the fact that you just might get your memories back today, and it was an overwhelming feeling. It had been nice taking your time with Chris, learning to get to know him on a more than friendship basis, but now you were uneasy with how this session would go.

"It's nice to meet you too Dr. Stevens," you replied with a curt nod.

"I have your file here from Dr. Hughes so I'm caught up on what has happened to you. I just want to say I'm sorry for everything you have had to go through the past week. But I'm here to help you and I hope that we can work together and get some of those memories back for you."

Dr. Stevens went through the process of hypnosis with you before the two of you began. "Alright Erica, why don't you lay down on the lounge there and get comfortable while I get set up."

With shaky knees you got up from your chair and walked over the chaise lounge, laying back and getting as comfortable as you possibly could. You crossed your hands together over your stomach and took deep, calming breaths.

Soft music began to play in the room as Dr. Stevens situated a chair close to the lounge where you were. "Alright Erica, I want you to close your eyes and began taking deep breaths," she spoke quietly, not wanting to disrupt the treatment. "Good. You feel yourself going deeper....deeper....into a nice comfortable hypnotic state. I want you to be aware of other sensations in your body. Notice how your shoulders feel right your muscles feel....relaxed."

As you listened to the soft voice of Dr. Stevens, doing as she was asking, you soon found yourself slipping away.

You jolted awake, your body pulsating with warmth, splaying your hand over your heart to feel it beating rapidly inside your chest. "What....,?" you choked out, your eyes wide as you looked around the room, trying to ground yourself.

"Sshh, it's alright Erica. You're safe in my office," Dr. Stevens declared in a soft, but present voice. Your eyes landed on her, realizing where you were and you nodded. "How do you feel?"

"Umm....I don't know really," you replied.

"Did you remember anything? Any memories or events?"

Your head shook rapidly, that much you knew of. "No, no memories."

"How about feelings?" Slowly you nodded your head, closing your eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to come. "What kind of feelings Erica?" the doctor asked in a gentle, calm voice.

You blew out a shaky breath as your chin began to quiver. "Ummm.....a lot of pain. Mental and emotional pain and anguish. Heartbreak. Anger. A lot of sadness." Cupping your hands over your face you let all your feelings out; everything you had just experienced while under hypnosis. It was so much, so unbearable to feel everything at once as your body wracked uncontrollably. You felt that familiar squeeze of your chest as you gasped for air during your cries.

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