Chapter 29

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Sebastian left you on the bench as he walked away to call Chris; yet he still kept his eyes on you. The phone barely managed to ring only once before Chris answered.

"Are you with her? Is she alright? I've tried calling her but her phone must be shut off," Chris rushed his words out.

"Relax Chris. I got her. I'm at Central Park with her right now. The Pond. Do you know where it is?"

"Yeah....yeah I've uh, I've been there before I think," he rasped out.

"Good, cause you need to talk to her."

Chris sighed on the other end of the phone. "I'll be there as soon as possible."

After hanging up, Sebastian continued to watch you carefully. You were sitting on the bench, hunched over as your eyes were glued to the ducks swimming in the water. You looked peaceful, relaxed, yet he knew that was anything but compared to everything going on in your mind.


You didn't know how you got to where you were now. Not in a literal sense of course; that was all fresh in your mind. But where you were now, within your life; dating Chris and moving to Los Angeles. All of it still confused you no matter how many times you tried to relive your memories. And that was the last thing you wanted to do at this point.

The memories were haunting your every waking, and sleeping mind. The near constant headache you were feeling was making it enough to want to pull your hair out and just scream at the top of your lungs; but you decided against that very idea. You already felt like a complete nut case; you didn't want half of New York to see that too.

As you got lost in your own little world, trying to block out the recurring memories and watching the ducks happily swim about on the water, you felt a presence sit beside you. Taking a deep breath in through your nose, you closed your eyes and exhaled. Thinking your options through, it could be one of four people sitting next to you; Sebastian, Margarita, Chris or a stranger. At this point, you'd rather it be a stranger.

Turning your head to the right, you realized you were shit out of luck today as Chris sat there; his warm blue eyes softly gazing at you. Your chin began to quiver just at the sight of him and he rapidly pulled you into his warm embrace; letting you cry into his chest as your body shook from your uncontrollable sobbing.

"I'," you choked out between sobs as his hand held your head close to his chest.

"Shhhh," Chris soothed in such a warm tone of voice. "You don't have to be sorry Erica."

Pulling out of his embrace, you wiped your tears with the back of your hand. "Yes I do Chris. I treated you like such shit back at Sebastian's apartment. I told you we were over and I walked out on you. When all you were trying to do is help me."

He cupped your cheeks with his hands, holding your head in place before leaning in and placing a gentle kiss to your lips. The electricity you felt was still there when he pulled away; your heart skipping a beat.

"What....what was that for?" you asked in a near whisper; your breath fanning his face. "Not that I'm complaining or anything."

"Because I want you to know that you have nothing to be sorry about and you mean everything to me Erica." Relief flooded your body as your shoulders slumped into a relaxed position. As you and Chris continued to sit in silent on the bench, life began to feel somewhat normal. It felt like things might be alright in the end. "Do you want to head back to the hotel room and talk?"

Normally, the word 'talk' would make any girl want to go running for the hills; but in this moment, you felt a sense of relaxation. "Yeah...yeah I'd like to maybe get some clearer answers."

Chris stood up, holding his hand out to you and you graciously accepted it. You didn't see it, but Chris nodded to Sebastian, who in turn nodded back to Chris as the two of you walked your way through Central Park.

As you made land fall onto the busy bustling streets of New York, Chris gave your hand a squeeze, making your heart melt. It was definitely different being in New York compared to Los Angeles. People here were a bit more relaxed when it came to celebrities and they either kept their distance, or didn't even care to go and bother said celebrity. It made walking back to the hotel room much easier.

No words were spoken between the two of you during the whole walk back; just silent gestures of love with simple hand squeezes. With your memories now fully intact, you were still hurt about the fact that you and Sebastian were no longer together; but you could see how you and Chris worked.

Chris knew just how to handle you from the beginning. He knew when you needed space or when you needed to be cuddled and cared for. He never overstepped your boundaries and he saved the day right when you needed it. You were completely and utterly in love with him.

Getting to your hotel room, Chris opened the door for you and the second it was latched shut, you jumped onto him. Your lips crashed to his with such a fiery passion. He didn't respond, too shell shocked at first but he quickly realized what was happening.

With his lips still attached to yours, he bent down and gripped your thighs just as you jumped up; wrapping your legs around his waist. As his hands went straight to your ass, he spun you around with ease and your back slammed against the door. You fisted your hands into his hair earning a low growl from him; which in turn made you buck your hips.

"," you spoke breathlessly between nibbles on his neck; his growing erection making your body feel on fire.

He moved the two of you over to the bed where he carefully placed you down. The two of you eagerly began to unclothe each other; desired kisses mixing with flying hands everywhere. It felt like déjà vu; having all your memories back and knowing how in love you were with Chris; it made this sexual experience that much more desirable.

As soon as you were naked, you moved positions on the bed so you were on your knees; ass high in the air for Chris to enjoy. Another growl came from him as you began to shake your ass back and forth. You knew he loved this position because you knew he was such an ass man.

You heard him grab a condom from the drawer and tear it open. Peaking around your shoulders you saw him roll it onto his thick cock. His eyes landed on yours as he stalked towards you. His hand gently caressed down your spine, making your entire body tingle. "Are you ready?" he rasped out.

"Yes," you responded in a near whisper. Chris' hand teased your folds and he moaned at the feeling of just how wet you were for him.

The bed was perfect height for Chris to stand behind you as you felt him line his member at your entrance. With one thrust of his hips, he was fully sheathed inside of you. A gasp escaped your lips at how full you felt with him inside you.

It was now his turn to fist his hands into your hair as he pulled your head back. "Fuck!" you growled as his hips began snapping forward; the angle causing him to hit your spot just right. Arching your back, you pushed your ass backwards each time he thrusted forward. Sweat began to glisten on your skin as you felt that familiar coil in your belly tighten.

Chris, never faltering on his thrusts, reached around and teased your clit, making your body go into overdrive. "Yes Chris," you begged, your hands clenching into the sheets in front of you. With a few more thrusts from his hips and his fingers teasing your clit, it sent you over the edge. Your body froze up as your inner walls began to spasm around Chris' dick. He slowed his thrusts as you rode out your high and just as you began to come down from said high, he was right back at thrusting into you.

You were already so sensitive you could feel another orgasm building back up. This time you took your own fingers and began to circle your clit. "Are you ready to cum with me?" Chris asked in the drop dead sexiest voice you could ever imagine.

"Yes Chris....please," you whined, knowing you were close. His hands gripped the sides of your hips as he slammed into you. Your moans and whimpers were getting louder as you tried to hold out on your orgasm.

"Now Erica," Chris demanded as you both let go. His hips stilled as you both cried out each other's names in pure ecstasy.

Once Chris pulled out of you, you fully collapsed down onto the bed and shut your eyes; exhaustion finally taking over you.    

The AccidentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora