Chapter 11

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After experiencing your first panic attack, at least the first one you could remember, last night, you had fallen asleep in Chris' arms on the couch in the living room. The attack wiped out your energy and you slept through the entire night without waking up. Chris must have carried you to the bedroom at some point during the night, but you never stirred awake.

The following morning you were woken up by some very slobbery kisses. Slowly opening your eyes, it was none other than Dodger licking your face. "Eww boy! Why!" you giggled through the slobbery mess on your face, gently pushing him away. Dodger sat close to your face, but stopped his licking escapades.

There was a quick knock on your door before Chris opened it, peeking his head inside. "Everything alright?" he questioned with a frown, but it quickly disappeared when he noticed what was going on. "Dodger! Find your own girl to give kisses to!" A giggle evaded your mouth, your cheeks blushing.

"I'm going to take a shower and get this goobers drool off of me," you remarked, your feet hitting the cool wood floor.

"Breakfast will be ready when you're done." You gave him a smile before heading into the bathroom.

Breakfast smelled wonderful as you rounded the corner and into the kitchen, a plate already waiting for you on the counter. Hungrily you began to eat, your energy completely drained from last night. The pancakes were light and fluffy per usual, the bacon nice and crisp.

"You have that follow up appointment with Dr. Hughes at 1 this afternoon," Chris spoke, taking a sip of his juice. It had completely slipped your mind about your appointment, but you were actually excited, hoping Dr. Hughes had some more information for you.

"Will you come with me?" you asked, gazing at him through your lashes, taking a bite of your toast.

Chris reached over the counter, taking your free hand in his, a smile on his face. "Of course I will Erica. Anything you need or want, I'm right here for you."


"Good afternoon Erica, Mr. Evans," Dr. Hughes greeted the two of you in his office later that afternoon. "How have you been feeling physically Erica?"

"Not too bad. The bruising on my face has gone down and hasn't been giving me too much of an issue, same with the bruises on my ribs."

Dr. Hughes nodded, typing into his iPad. "Good. I'm glad to hear that. Now, how about mentally? Any memories resurface in the last week?"

You turned your head to look at Chris, both of you exchanging smiles. "Actually there have been a few memories."

The doctor paused, looking up at you with a smile, his hands folding in front of him on his desk. "Really? That's great news Erica. Can you explain them to me?"

You nodded before retelling him your memories. "I had asked for wine the other night, even though I didn't ever remember drinking wine before. And then Chris took me to the same restaurant where he took me on our first date, and Chris said I wore the same outfit that I did the first time, and also chose the same meal that I always order when we go there."

"So those were more subconscious memories then? That is a really good start Erica. Have you had any other memories, ones that maybe appeared like a flashback, or déjà vu?"

You blushed, recalling the memory of how you initiated your first kiss with Chris outside of the restaurant as you explained it to Dr. Hughes; a small smile appearing on his own lips. But then you remembered the first memory you recalled, when you, Seb and Chris were out to dinner; your head down casted as you fiddled with your thumbs.

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