Chapter 2

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The air felt thick with tension as the three of you sat there. No words were said, but you were no fool as to what everyone felt. Sebastian looked uncertain as to what was going on. His head was tilted to the right and his mouth was parted. Chris was slumped over in his chair. His elbows were on his knees as his hands held up his head. You were sure you heard him quietly sniffling. Chris was your friend and you didn't want him to be hurt or upset.

"Chris are you alright?" you asked, your voice breathy as you didn't want to speak too loudly. You leaned back on the uncomfortable hospital bed, holding your hand to your head as you willed it to stop throbbing.

Chris didn't even answering your question with any words. Instead, he lifted his right hand from his head, waving you off as to say he was fine. But you knew better. You had met Chris through Sebastian, and for the last three years you two have been close friends.

"Erica," Sebastian stated, giving your hand a squeeze, "I'm going to go find a doctor now that you're awake." He gave you a weak smile as he left the room, leaving you and Chris there.

The smell of the antiseptic was really beginning to bother you, making you feel nauseas. Closing your eyes, you took in a deep breath through your mouth instead of your nose, but immediately winced and let out a pained hiss.

Chris was on his feet in a heartbeat, his hands hovering over body you not knowing what to do. "Are you in pain? What can I do to help?" his voice begging for answers.

The pure panic laced in his voice and the desperation in his eyes caught you a bit off guard. "Umm, it-it's just my side. When I took a deep breath it felt like someone was stabbing me with a knife." Chris blew out the breathe he was holding and nodded, sitting back in his chair. You found yourself fidgeting with the starchy hospital blanket across your body, picking at the invisible lint so you wouldn't have to make eye contact with Chris. There was something about the way he was acting, being overly protective of you that had you in a maze of curiosity.

"Erica, good to see you are awake," a man in a white coat and a deep voice walked into the room. He was tall with thinning blonde hair and kind green eyes. Sebastian came walking back into the room with a dour look on his face. "I'm Dr. Hughes. How are you feeling?" The doctor stood at the side of your bed, his square face and soft eyes making you feel just a bit more at ease about this whole ordeal.

Shrugging gently, you looked between Chris and Sebastian. "In a bit of pain. My head is throbbing and my side is killing me. Hurts to take deep breaths," you confessed as your eyes turned down towards the end of the bed. "And I'm confused as fuck."

Dr. Hughes nodded his head, pausing to look at you from your cursing before going back to look at your chart. "The pain is expected after what you endured. Now, tell me, what exactly are you confused about? I want to see how your mind is function since you hit your head pretty hard."

You turned to face Sebastian, internally scolding yourself for moving too fast as the pain in your head intensified. "For one, since when did your hair get so short Seb? I mean, just yesterday it was almost passed your shoulders. You never mentioned getting a hair cut to me. And two, why are there no car horns honking? I can hear birds chirping outside, but, there is no hustle and bustle of New York. That seems pretty confusing to me."

Sebastian stared at you with wide eyes, his lips parting. Your eyes quickly darted around the room as you most certainly began to realize that something was amiss. Not only had Sebastian cut his hair, but even Chris looked different. You could have sworn that just last week when you saw him, he was twice the size as he was now, preparing to film Captain America: Civil War. Your eyes landed on Dr. Hughes; his own eyes searching yours as his mind debated on how to go about this situation.

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