Date night

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Jay's POV
It's 5:30 and Beyoncé is supposed to be here any minute. I'm so scared but trying to play it off calmly. She's the first girl I really am serious about. Not a kiss n diss. I'm meeting her so ma could meet her and then go out with her to dinner. I want this to be our lil date. I'm outside waiting for her.
Bey's POV
You know I always be late. I'm nervous. I mean the coolest kid in school is bout to go to dinner with the new girl who went from not to hot. I really feel like we could be a couple but for some reason, I feel like I'm just gonna be one of his kiss n diss. I don't wanna be taken advantage of but I don't think I should jump to negative conclusions. I pull up to his house and he is standing holding flowers. I'm already blushing and getting butterfly's. He looks so cute. And hot in that suit, calm Giselle calm. I got out and walked towards him...
Jay: Hey Bey! *hugs her* these are for you.
Bey: aww thank you, this is so sweet!
Jay: no problem, is it ok if you meet my mom real quick. I just gotta ask where my keys are lol
Bey: sure, I'm sure she's lovely
I'm smiling ear to ear but a lil nervous to meet his mom. We walk into this nice big house and it was huge. We walked into the kitchen where his mom was cooking and she turned around and saw us
Jay: ma this is Beyonce, my friend from school, I'm taking her to dinner. Do you know where my keys are?
Mama G: hi baby, my name is Gloria but you can all me Mama G lol.*hugs yonce*
Bey: it's so nice to meet you. You are so pretty, y'all defenetly have good jeans.
Mama G: aww thank you baby, but you look like a goddess. I think Jesus took time on you. Baby.
Bey: lol, thank you.
Mama G: jay, your keys are upstairs in your room*jays runs upstairs to get his keys and comes down in two seconds* Beyonce, he talks about you a lot. I've never seen him blush so much. And who knew he had teeth in that smile.
Jay: mom, stop! You're embarrassing me.
Mama G: sorry lol, you two get out to dinner, it was so nice to meet you Beyonce!*hugs bey*
Bey:same here
Jay: bye mama, love you*hugs her*
Mama G: bye y'all have fun!
Jay's POV
We walked out and into my black Cadillac. I started driving and turned on the radio.
Bey: your mom is really nice.
Jay: thank you, she really is.
Beyoncé looks so hot rn, tame Shawn tame. We pulled up to Red Lobster and walked in. I had a reservation for us at 5:50. We sat down in a booth. She sat across from me and we were having a nice conversation untill...

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