Gun points

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Bey's POV
My body went is going numb. I glance at Jay and we look at eachother in mortal shock. We hurry up untieing me and we notice the lights go back on. I hear blue crying and when the gun shot went off, everyone screamed. We bust opened the doors and everyone looks our way. Immediately, I get shot in the stomach
Shawn's POV
NOOO!! She falls down but I get down on the floor with her and cradle her. I take off my shirt and wrap it around her abdomen. She's still conscious, but not all the way. I look up and see the fam alive but one of the bad guys got shot. Thank god. I have to do what ever I can for this family to walk away free.
Becky: nice shot dumbass, you got one of our people
Usher: damnt, we'll atleast I got Bey
Bey&thefam: SHAWN, NO!!!
Beyoncé: *weak* Shawn, please don't
Jay: baby, i have to*crying eyes out still*
Becky: mm, I love a man that begs. Hmmm, Usher what do you think? Should we just shoot Bey and Jay or do you think we should make them watch their family die first?
Usher: *gets dime out* heads, we shoot them both, tails, we make them watch.
Becky takes the coin, tosses it and it lands on heads.
Fam: *gasps*NOOOO!!!!
Becky&Usher:*points their gun* bye bye motherfuckers
Bey: *laying in Jay's lap*i love you Shawn😭
Jay;*kisses her*i love you too😭*kisses her*

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