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Bey's POV
I told my mom I was going to sleep over there house for the week actually. I need sometime to think. She surprisingly said ok and Solange came with. The whole week, I've told Solange all that happened and she always knows how to make me feel better. She said things could've been worse, Shawn could've died. I would never live with myself if that happened. For a whole week and a half, I've been stressing out and being quiet again. Everyone is really worried. I met Shawn's mom in the hospital on the day they think he is going to wake up which is today. It's only me and her, I can drive now btw.
At the hospital
Mama G: *hugs bey with tears* oh bey hi beautiful.
Bey: hi mama G, it's nice to see you again. I'm so sorry about your son.
Mama G: thank you baby. You know this isn't his first one. When he was ages 1-4 he always had them. We put him on meds for those 4 years but they didn't work. Looks like we'll have to start them again. My poor baby.
Bey: wow, does he know or remember.
Mama G: he knows but he didn't think it would happen again. He didn't want to people to think of him differently which I told him is completely false. He's perfect the way he is.
Bey: wow, I saw him have some kind of ora before it all happened. He was anxious, nervous, and like very antsy. I should've known*starts bawling*
Mama G: *hugs bey whose laying next to Jay* aww baby, you couldn't have known, it happens and we just gotta keep moving forward. But now we know when to be alert.
Bey: thanks mama G.
Mama G: anytime baby, plus I know he wanted to ask you to be his girlfriend for a long time and I'm glad y'all dating now. He loves you. You're all he ever talks about. I never seen him smile so much.
Bey: aww he's so sweet. I love him too.
*doctor J walks in*
Doc: alright y'all, were gonna remove his bandages. *removes bandages on top of head* now we had a few stitches here and there and removed them the other day. Just make sure he takes it easy for a couple of days.
He looked a lil better. But around his eyes was still a little red and blotchy.
Doc: Jay, *taps Jay on shoulder* if you can hear us, squeeze my finger*puts finger in jay's hand but dosent squeeze* I'm sorry y'all, but he's still unresponsive, we'll keep him under servalence for a few more hours and if he's not up by then, we will umm
Bey: go ahead doc you can tell us.
Doc: he will have to go for brain surgery. It's a really risky move but we are afraid he has more damage then we thought from the impact.
Mama G and I started crying even more. This is awful! A million things could go wrong if he goes with this surgery and I can't deal with that. The doctor left the room and we sat by jay's side all this time and now.
Mama G: imma give our family a call and give them an update.
Bey: go ahead Ill watch jay.
*Mama G goes outside door and calls family*
Bey: comon Jay, wake up. Baby, please I can't go another week without you*crys silently into his chest* please, Shawn you gotta wake up. I don't want to lose you.
I was crying into his chest when all of a sudden, I felt a hand stroke my hair...

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