Recovery pt.2

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Bey's POV
I looked up and with tears in my eyes and saw Jay stroking my hair. We made eye contact. I hugged him and gave him a bunch of kisses. He looked at me strangely.
Jay: I'm sorry but do I know you?
Bey: you don't remember me?!
Jay: no I'm sorry, but you are very pretty.
*doc and mama G rush into the room*
Doc: ahh, Jay you're awake. How do you feel?
Jay: horrible. I can't move my muscles and I'm in a lot of pain*tearing up*
Doc: we'll get you some Advil, that may help with the pain. Before I get them, do you know what the last thing you remember happening?
Jay: last thing I remember was going on a date with Becky. Where is she at? What happened, why am I here?
I couldn't stop crying. He really dosent remember me and forgot about all the 5 months. I'm in shell shock.
Doc: Shawn, you had a seizure last week and hit your head against a broken desk pole and hit your head really badly. Y'all, it will take him some time to have his memory start to come back to him. Don't overwhelm him. He's gonna stay here untill his pain goes down. It should go down before 5 days.
Bey: Shawn, you don't remember me? *hysterically crying*
Jay: miss I'm really sorry but I don't. Mom who is she?
Doc: I'll got get the Advil and give y'all a sec. *leaves room*
Mama G: she is your girlfriend, Beyoncé.
Jay: nice name wait what?! My girlfriend? I wish. I can't stand Becky.
Mama G: neither can I. Your last date with her was 6 months ago. It's January now. You met this beautiful girl right here at your new high school, Everette High.
Jay: i did? Wow. Oww! My body hurts😭
Mama G: it's ok, he's gonna come with Advil.
Bey: *sits closer to jay* does this look familiar to you Jay?*shows pic of the date they went on, she took a pic of them on the car*
Jay's POV
I froze, this is us. We're cute lol. Wait, seafood, Red Lobster, wait, agh, my brain hurts. I need to sleep on this.
Jay: I feel like I'm getting some parts of my memory back but I really should sleep on it.
Bey's POV
I'm glad he's starting to get a realization. Me and mama G we're sitting next to him until my mom walked in. WTH?
Bey: mom? What are you?
Mama T: *hugs Bey in tears* baby, I'm so sorry for being so rude the other week and I was just makin all that up about Shawn cause I didn't want my baby's heart to be broken. I love you
Bey: I forgive you mom. And I love you too. Mom this is Shawn's mom, Gloria. Gloria this is my mom, Tina.
*they hug*
Mama G: it's nice to meet you. Wow, you would never tell whose Beyoncé and whose Tina.
Solange walks in a second later. We hugged and introduced her to Mama G.
Mama G: are y'all triplets cause you three are all beautiful.
Three of us: thank you lmao.
Jay was still sitting there trying to comprehend all that's happened.
Mama G: Beyoncé it's Saturday night, y'all should get home before the snow starts getting worse. I'll stay with Shawn.
Three of us: thank you
Mama T: alright ladies y'all ready to go home. I have all our bags in the car from Kelly and Michelle's.
Bey: yea let's go home. *walks over to Shawn* if you remember, please call me
After I said that, I slowly kissed his lips. They always were a perfect match for mine. I pulled apart. He looked like he wanted more but imma let him think about me first. I left with my mom and sis. We got down to the car and it was really bad out there.

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