Stranger Danger🚫

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Bey's POV
This whole week in Paris has been amazing. Shawn and I are madly in love with eachother and are thinking about getting our own place. We got on the plane and went our way home. My mom and his mom and my sis are coming in 30 minutes. Shawn and I are in the car trying to get home quick as possible
Bey: Jay, I really had a fun time with you this week. Thanks so much baby*kisses him*
Jay:thanks baby, and anything for the woman I love.*kisses her*
We arrived 2 minutes before they're going to come. We're all meeting at Shawn's house and they know nothing. We put the bags under Shawn's bed, came downstairs, and sat on the couch and turned the tv on. They suddenly walk through the door...
Mama T, Solo, and Mama G: We're back!!!!
Me and Shawn run to them like lil kids.
Everyone: I missed you!
We all chatted and sat down at the dining room table.
Mama G: so, what did y'all do when we was gone? Y'all didn't do any funny buisness did y'all?*squints*
Bey&Jay: yuk no!
Mama T: good, you too are still too young to have se-
Bey: mom! Eww!
Me and jay are taking in the backyard.
Bey: aye baby, I think it's time to tell you.*nervous*
Jay: tell me what baby?
Bey: I uh, I want to be a singer*nervous*
Jay: baby! That's awesome. You can come to my studio tomorrow and I'll see how you do*lifts her up* I'm so happy baby!*kisses her*
Bey: thank you baby. Now put me down!😂
Jay: you said tickle? Ok*tickles her till she's on the ground*
Bey:*laughing*jay jay I can't hahahah
Moma T: aww, look at my two live birds
We all laughed. We all talked and had dinner there. It's now night time and mom, solo, and I went back to our house to unpack our bags. I'm relaxing in my room now when...
I froze, I heard either my mom or Solange scream. My heart is racing. I grab my phone off the charger and slowly walk down stairs. The screaming is getting louder and louder. I look and see Solo and Mom tied to chairs and this burgler threatening them with his gun in the living room. He sounded way to familiar...
Burgler: WHERE IS BEYONCE?!!???
Solo: I don't know*crying*
He smacks solo across her face. I called 911.
Bey: *whispers* Hello, my name is Beyonce and my house is being robbed.
They said they would be there in 10 minutes. I called Jay for back up.
Jay: *on the phone* hello baby?*waking up*
Bey: *whispers* baby, you gotta come he-*phone line ends*
The phone was smacked out of my hands and I felt the gun go to the side of my head. I froze.
Burgler: come with me!*drags her to the kitchen with mama t and solo behind* YOU TWO LIED TO ME!! SHE WAS HERE THE WHOLE TIME!
Bey: DONT HURT THEM PLEASE! WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH ME?!*he's choking her and grips her by the neck*
He squeezing my neck so hard, I can't breath. Mom and solo yell for him to stop, but he won't listen. He then starts slamming my body against the wall and windows.
Jay's POV
I threw on sweatpants and hoped over to bey's way. I was sweating like crazy. My baby sounded in trouble. I arrived at bey's which felt like hours. I ran inside seeing windows broken. I ran in and saw the house a mess. I search the whole floor looking for them. I went into the basement and saw moma t and solo tied to chairs crying and there mouth duck taped. I went over to them and I used a pocket knife I carry with me and cut the rope. I took off there duck tape as easily as I could.
Solo: Jay, hurry! Bey is upstairs and this burgler wants to hurt her. I don't know why, hurry bro hurry*crying*
Jay: I gotchu.
Moma T: Jay thank you soo much. We wouldn't make it without you.
Jay: of course, *finishes untying them* alright now y'all, you two stay here. Imma call the cop-
Moma T: she called them already, they will be here in five minutes. But still, save my baby please.
Jay: ok, I'll go get bey and let y'all know if she's in the clear.*runs upstairs out of the basement and goes upstairs to the bedrooms*
I heard the bathtub on in bey's bedroom bathroom. I opened the door and saw the burgler pushing bey's head in the water in the bathtub, trying to drown her. I took out my knife and stabbed the guy in his stomach and took bey's head out the water too.
Bey: AGH! *gasps* jay, baby?! You saved me!
Jay: *kneels down on ground with bey* it's me baby, are you hurt?!
Bey: I'm fine just a lil scratched up but I'll live. Who is this guy anyways?
I pulled off his masks and it was the server from Paris, Lyndall?!
Bey&Jay: wtf?
Lyndall: *talking in pain* aye bab-
I punched him over and over.
I threw a good punch and knocked him the fuck out. He was already weak from where I stabbed him. The police and ambulance came in 2 minutes. I got eveyone out the house except Lyndall. The cops took him into there car after he got stitched up from ambulance. I hugged my girls
Jay: I'm so glad y'all safe now, I'd die if something happened and I wasn't here to protect y'all. Comon, we gon stay over my house tonight.
Bey,solo,&moma T: aww thanks Shawn!*all kiss him on the cheek*
They grabbed a few clothes and went into my car and brought them to my house where there were enough rooms for eveyone to sleep in. Before Beyonce gets into my bed, she's getting naked..
Bey: Jay, I'm not having sex with you tonight lol, but I like to sleep naked.
Jay: me too, ain't no clothes under here either baby.
She hopped in my bed and I turned the light off. I held her waist to me and held her in a secure way.
Bey: I'm blessed to have you in my life
Jay: you're my everything baby, my life aint real without you boo*kisses her neck*

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