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*3 hours later*
Momma G POV's
My poor babies! Shawn is on his bed losing control crying screaming yelling at himself. We're all crying and watching in terror. Their love is beyond strong and I've never seen him so happy in his life with Beyoncé. She's like the daughter I always wanted. Solange and Tina are a reck too. We all are. Suddenly, we see the doc open the door with a giant smile on his face. We all look up with our tear-stained eyes.
Doc: you all, she's healed!
Doc: her body somehow recovered itself and she's no longer bleeding because we found where the blood was coming out from and we did surgery on her and it went all well! She's awake, a little groggy but she's back to normal. She just has to be car-*everyone hugs him*
Jay: Doc thank you! I can't thank you enough.
Doc: it's my job and I told y'all I wouldn't give up on her. Y'all wanna see her?
Everyone: YES!
Doc: I can actually bring her bed in here if you want
Jay: Please!
Jay's POV
IM SO HAPPY!!! MY WIFEY IS OK!!!!! She a survivor! I was a wreck when I heard she was dying. Imagine losing that one person that changed your whole life for the better and someone that loves you past any flaws and have something bad happen to them. It would completely shatter your heart. Before we met in high school, I always felt as if I was hanging out with the wrong people and started out trying to fit in. Deep down, I was scared of people didn't like the real side of me. And if they found out I was a rapper, they would've only been friends with me for that reason. Beyoncé came along and I could be myself and prove that I'm cool being me and Beyonce brought the good in me. I look up and I see Beyonce being pushed on her bed in here and they lay her next to me. She's awake and she lifts the top of bed up slowly. We all start crying uncontrollably. I got out of my bed and on hers and kissed her like crazy.
Jay: Baby, I thought I lost you!*kiss*I'm so happy you're ok. I promise I'll never let you get hurt again.*kiss* I love you beyond my soul.
Bey: aww, I could never leave you. I'll always be here alive or dead. You have my whole heart. It's ok something if bad happens to me because I will always be here for you in spirit. I love you more beyond my soul*kiss*
We all had heart to hearts and just so happy she made it through everything. The doc stood at the door the while time crying at the scenery.
Bey: Blue Blue *on her legs*
Bey's POV
I went to reach for Blue to give her a hug and I felt this sharp pain in my stomach and it hurt so much I can't breath
Bey: OOOOWW!!!!
The doc rushed to my side and laid me down slowly.
Doc: y'all don't get too excited with her yet. Her body has been through a lot and pain you're experiencing is from the surgeries you were in and you're body is in recovery mode. We're going to keep you here till the pain goes away and we know you're safe. We have prescribed medication for you and there's a couple rules. For the next two months, try to rest your body up and don't do any tours or dancing yet. No getting drunk. You're liver is sensitive for a while plus alcohol hurts everyone's liver. Also, no *coughs*umm, no intercourse as well.
Jay: Damnt!*bey smacks his head and everyone laughs*
Bey: only for two months baby. *winks and bites lip*
Doc: haha, and keep a clean diet. Just basically give your body a little rest and start slowly working your muscles and getting your blood going. And that's all the rules for the next two months. Any questions?
Bey: thank you doc that's a-
Jay: so when you say no intercourse*bey punches him in arm*
Doc: haha, take it easy you two. Beyoncé, you have one supportive husband here with you.
Bey: I do don't i*kisses jay*
IM SO HAPPY!!! IM A SURVIVOR!!! We all celebrate and life couldn't be more exciting now. 2 months pass and yes Jay took advantage of intercourse directly after 2 month period lmao. He couldn't resist. Blue is growing up so beautifully. I'm happy to have my whole family around me. They make life much brighter. So thankful to have Jay and Blue in my life. I'm even more thankful to God for meeting Shawn in high school and to be alive to this day. Guess you can say this was a not so tricky love❤️
*The End*

Comment any suggestions to fix the story if y'all want more or whateva. Please comment what should be my next story and any ideas in the short stories?

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